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A ce jour, l’étude des effets du conseil en orientation n’a guère abordé les aspects intraindividuels du changement et la variabilité interindividuelle qui y est associée. Cette recherche étudie les niveaux de changement de participants à un atelier de conseil en orientation professionnelle en modélisant les patterns à trois temps clés de l’intervention. Les résultats montrent, pour chaque variable étudiée, que trois groupes de participants se distinguent soit par un effet substantiel, un effet modéré ou une absence d’effet. Les variables cognitives et conatives modèrent peu ces différences entre patterns. Toutes ces données sont interprétées dans le cadre général de la théorie du conseil adaptatif, qui invite à individualiser l’accompagnement des personnes au cours des consultations afin d’améliorer la grandeur des effets.

Process of vocational change and individual variability during career counseling

To date, the process of career change and intraindividual aspects of variability in the counseling field have received little empirical attention. This research examines the degree of change for the participants of a career counseling workshop by measuring different patterns of developed individual’ characteristics connected with its capacities in terms of orientation and professional insertion at three key times of intervention. The results distinguished, for each studied variable, three groups of participants by a substantial effect, a moderate effect, or no effect at all. Participants’ cognitive and personality variables induce small differences for the patterns used such as self-knowledge, environmental knowledge, psychological mobilization, and integration skills. These data are interpreted within an adaptive counseling framework, which emphasizes an individualized career counseling process during consultations in order to define some components of counseling interview which could have positive widespread effects.


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