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Spain, like other developed countries, has witnessed exponential growth in the number of older persons, and it has made great efforts to address this new social situation, gradually developing an extensive network for supporting not only dependent persons, but also healthy retired people with new demands. In order to better understand the situation with respect to aging, this chapter provides some demographic indicators illustrating the current structure of Spain’s aging population. The second and third sections outline the main research areas in Spain and the resources available for older adults. With regard to research on aging, there has been a considerable increase in the number of both research projects and publications in the Spanish context, particularly from the 1980s to the present. Most of the studies are aimed at assessing the different characteristics and conditions of senior citizens. This is a good first step with a view toward identifying their demands, though more research is necessary for making crucial changes. On the subject of resources and services, Spain has developed a wide variety of resources designed to meet the needs of both independent and dependent older adults. Finally, it should always be borne in mind that social needs change over time, so that they must be continuously studied and reappraised – and our respective responses updated – in order to maintain standards of excellence.


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