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Original Communication

Micronutrients - a Global Perspective on Intake, Health Benefits and Economics

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The link between a sufficient intake of vitamins and long term health, cognition, healthy development and aging is increasingly supported by experimental animal, human and epidemiology studies. In low income countries billions of people still suffer from the burden of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies. However, inadequate micronutrient status might also be an issue in industrialized countries. Recent results from nutritional surveys in countries like the United States, Germany, and Great Britain indicate that the recommended intake of micronutrients is not reached. This notably concerns certain vulnerable population groups, such as pregnant women, young children and the elderly, but also greatly influences the general healthcare costs. An overview is provided on the gap that exists between current vitamin intakes and requirements, even in countries where diverse foods are plentiful. Folic acid and vitamin D intake and status are evaluated in more detail, providing insight on health and potential impact on health care systems.