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Multistudy Report

Measuring Psychology Students’ Information-Seeking Skills in a Situational Judgment Test Format

Construction and Validation of the PIKE-P Test

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Abstract. Three studies were conducted to develop a test for academic information-seeking skills in psychology students that measures both procedural and declarative aspects of the concept. A skill decomposition breaking down information-seeking into 10 sub skills was used to create a situational judgment test with 22 items. A scoring key was developed based on expert ratings (N = 14). Subsequently, the test was administered to two samples of N = 78 and N = 81 psychology students. Within the first sample, the scale reached an internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha) of α = .75. Scale validity was investigated with data from the second sample. High correlations between the scale and two different information search tasks (r = .42 to .64; p < .001) as well as a declarative information literacy test (r = .51; p < .001) were found. The findings are discussed with regard to their implications for research and practice.
