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The Psychometric Properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire in Adolescents

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Abstract. Cognitive fusion can be defined as the inability to view thoughts as just thoughts, which is hypothesized to increase the impact of those thoughts on behavior. Cognitive fusion is a core concept of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a therapeutic approach that is being increasingly studied as a treatment for a plethora of chronic health problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) in a sample of adolescents. Three hundred eight adolescents (11–20 years) completed the Catalan version of the questionnaire (CFQ-C) as well as measures assessing anxiety sensitivity and acceptance. The results supported a one-factor solution for the CFQ-C, and indicated an adequate level of internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.79). The validity of the CFQ-C was supported by a significant positive association between the CFQ-C total score and the measure of anxiety sensitivity and by a significant negative association with the measure of acceptance. The findings support the psychometric properties of the CFQ to study the role that cognitive fusion may play in functioning among adolescents.


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