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Incentives and Alternative Rating Approaches

Roads to Greater Accuracy in Job Performance Assessment?

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Ratings of others’ performance are central in applied psychology. We investigated rater incentives and two approaches to Behavior Observation Scale (BOS) rating on rating accuracy. Raters (N = 147) were randomly assigned to one of three accuracy-incentive conditions and completed one of two BOSs 48 hr after observing videotaped performances. A serial BOS asked raters to assess one ratee at a time, across behaviors. A parallel BOS had raters consider all ratees on one behavior at a time. The serial (one ratee at a time) approach was generally more accurate than the parallel (one behavior at a time) approach. However, an accuracy incentive prior to observation mitigated the negative effects of the parallel approach. Overall, a serial BOS seems well suited for developmental appraisal.


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