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Free AccessCall for Papers

“Work-Life Balance”

A Topical Issue of the Zeitschrift für Psychologie

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These days, many employees can work anywhere and at any time thanks to new technologies (e.g., smartphones, constant access to organizational computer networks) and new working time arrangements (e.g., flextime, telework). Although this holds many advantages for employees, such as more flexibility and less time spent commuting, such innovations at the same time come at the cost of blurred boundaries between work and private life.

The aim of this topical issue of the Zeitschrift für Psychologie on “Work-Life-Balance” is to discuss recent developments and findings regarding challenges and solutions on the topic of work-life-balance. This may include state-of-the-art reviews and empirical articles that address topics such as the the interplay between different life domains (e.g., work and family), recovery from work-related stress during nonwork time, or the evaluation of individual or organizational work-life balance interventions. In addition, shorter research notes and opinion papers are also encouraged. We invite researchers from various areas of psychology, education, and medicine to submit their abstracts on potential papers electronically.

How to Submit

Interested authors should submit a letter of intent including: (1) a working title for the manuscript, (2) names, affiliations, and contact information for all authors, and (3) an abstract of no more than 500 words detailing the content of the proposed manuscript to guest editor Carmen Binnewies ().

There is a two-stage submissions process. Initially, authors are requested to submit only abstracts of their proposed papers. Authors requested to submit full papers should then do so. All papers will undergo full peer review.

  • Deadline for submission of abstracts is January 15, 2015.
  • Deadline for submission of full papers is April 30, 2015.

The journal seeks to maintain a short turnaround time, with the final version of the accepted papers being due by July 15, 2015. The topical issue will be published as issue 1 (2016).

For additional information, please contact the guest editor:

Carmen Binnewies ()

About the Journal

The Zeitschrift für Psychologie, founded in 1890, is the oldest psychology journal in Europe and the second oldest in the world. One of the founding editors was Hermann Ebbinghaus. Since 2007 it is published in English and devoted to publishing topical issues that provide state-of-the-art reviews of current research in psychology.

Guidelines for Article Preparation

  • Only English-language submissions can be considered.
  • Contributions must be original (not published previously or currently under review for publication elsewhere).
  • Review and original articles should not exceed 45,000 characters and spaces in length, including references, figures, and tables (allowances for figures and tables should be deducted on the basis of size – approximately 1,250 characters for a quarter-page figure/table).
  • Other submission formats (research summaries, opinion pieces, etc.) may be considered, please contact the editors for details.
  • Reference citations in the text and in the reference list should be in accordance with the principles set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) – see also any recent issue of the journal.
  • For detailed author guidelines, please see the journal’s website at