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Schulbasiertes Training für Jugendliche zur Emotionsregulation

Eine systematische Übersicht aktueller Publikationen

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Zusammenfassung.Theoretischer Hintergrund: Trainingsprogramme zur Emotionsregulation für Jugendliche sind notwendig, da eine Dysregulation der Emotionen die Entwicklung von psychischen Störungen begünstigen kann. Fragestellung: Ziel dieser systematischen Literaturübersicht ist es, einen Überblick über aktuelle Publikationen zu Trainingsprogrammen von 2015 – 2020 zu geben. Methode: Im Rahmen der Literaturrecherche konnten sechs Publikationen eingeschlossen werden. Ergebnisse: Es zeigten sich positive Effekte bei der Programmdurchführung durch externe Personen, vor allem durch Fachpersonen und keine bis negative Effekte bei der Durchführung durch das Schulpersonal. Ein positiver Einfluss durch die Einbeziehung der Eltern konnte in einem Trainingsprogramm vermutet werden, wobei die Ergebnisse statistisch nicht signifikant waren. Schlussfolgerung: Es zeigt sich die Notwendigkeit weiterer Evaluation von Trainingsprogrammen, welche sich vor allem auch mit dem Einbezug der Bezugspersonen beschäftigen und untersuchen, inwiefern Trainer_inneneffekte auch bei Studien mit einer besseren Vergleichbarkeit vorliegen.

School-Based Emotion Regulation Programs for Students: A Systematic Overview of Current Literature

Abstract.Theoretical background: Because difficulties in emotion regulation pose a risk factor in the development of mental disorders, emotion-regulation programs for students have become increasingly important. Learning adaptive emotion-regulation strategies, such as reassessing feelings, is expedient, emphasizing the importance of such primary preventive programs. Because of their easy accessibility, such programs in school settings have the potential to reach a large number of students. Objective: This systematic review provides an overview of current publications on training programs from 2015 – 2020 and reviews how such programs can positively affect the regulation of emotions in adolescents. We discuss these effects in particular regarding the effectiveness according to service provider (specialist staff, such as psychologists vs. teachers) and target group (e. g., involvement of parents). Method: From the 945 search results, we included six eligible publications with a total of N = 8,339 study participants and N = 321 families in the final analysis, having systematically searched the Pubmed/Medline and Cochrane Library databases and other review venues. Conditions were that they included primary preventive training programs taking place in schools, had a thematic connection to emotion regulation, had already been evaluated, and only considered adolescent students. Only studies with a sample size of at least 250 were considered, and studies without control groups were also included. Results: Programs carried out by external providers (psychologists, students) showed positive effects. Furthermore, higher effects were achieved when the programs had been carried out by psychologists rather than students. Training programs carried out by school staff showed no, or sometimes even negative, effects. This suggests a possible trainer effect, although not all studies are comparable. The positive influence of involving parents was assumed in one training program, although differences in the intervention effects were not statistically significant from the control conditions. The effectiveness of the programs did not seem to correlate with the number of sessions provided. Also, there were no clear indications of possible age effects, although the comparability of the individual studies is made more difficult because of the different age groups. Conclusion: In summary, the results show the need for the further evaluation of emotion-regulation training programs for students, with a focus on involving caregivers. The inclusion of parents in the programs reveals first positive effects but needs to be evaluated further. Since it was difficult to compare the individual studies, for example, because of different methodology and a lack of standardized effect sizes, further studies are required to re-examine possible trainer effects. For the practical implementation of school-based programs, we recommend including advisory school groups such as school social workers and offering programs for school staff on emotion regulation in advance.


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