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Abstract.Background: A common suicide prevention strategy is training gatekeepers to identify at-risk individuals and refer them to services. Aims: The study aimed to examine whether differences in training outcomes were observed for brief versus in-depth gatekeeper trainings for trainees from varied professional settings while controlling for differences in trainee characteristics and community context. Method: Trainees' identification and referral behavior 3 months after gatekeeper training was compared with a sample of respondents matched on individual- and community-level variables using propensity score-based techniques. The value was estimated, in terms of additional identification and associated costs, of adopting in-depth training. Results: A higher proportion of trainees who participated in in-depth trainings from K-12 and community settings identified at-risk youth, and a higher proportion of in-depth trainees from mental health settings referred youth to services compared with participants of brief trainings from the same setting and with similar characteristics. The effect of training type on outcomes varied by professional role and community context. Limitations: Self-report measures were used to assess outcomes. Similar measures are used in other studies; their validity has not been conclusively established. Conclusion: Findings suggest certain individuals may benefit from in-depth training more than others, which favors targeting this intervention to particular gatekeepers.


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