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Error Processing During the Online Retrieval of Probabilistic Sequence Knowledge

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Abstract. Adaptive behavior involves rapid error processing and action evaluation. However, it has not been clarified how errors contribute to automatic behaviors that can be retrieved to successfully adapt to our complex environment. Automatic behaviors strongly rely on the process of probabilistic sequence learning and memory. Therefore, the present study investigated error processing during the online retrieval of probabilistic sequence knowledge. Twenty-four healthy young adults acquired and continuously retrieved a repeating stimulus sequence reflected by reaction time (RT) changes on a rapid forced-choice RT task. Performance was compared with a baseline that denoted the processing of random stimuli embedded in the probabilistic sequence. At the neurophysiological level, event-related brain potentials synchronized to responses were measured. Error processing was tracked by the error negativity (Ne) and the error positivity (Pe). The mean amplitude of the Ne gradually decreased as the task progressed, similarly for the sequence retrieval and the embedded baseline process. The mean amplitude of the Pe increased over time, likewise, irrespective of the type of the stimuli. Accordingly, we propose that automatic error detection (Ne) and conscious error evaluation (Pe) are not sensitive to sequence learning and retrieval. Overall, the present study provides insight into how error processing takes place for the retrieval of sequence knowledge in a probabilistic environment.


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