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Adaptation and Initial Validation of the BRCS in an Elderly Spanish Sample

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Resilience is understood as a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of adversity. This study examined the validity of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), a 4-item measure designed to capture tendencies to cope with stress in a highly adaptive manner, in an elderly Spanish population. A total of 133 elderly people from an association of retired persons in Valencia (Spain) provided the responses for the validation study. The factorial validity of the scale was tested using confirmatory factor analysis, with a single dimension of resilience with adequate fit indexes emerging from this analysis. The BRCS has adequate internal consistency both at the scale and item levels. The criterion-related validity of the scale was established by correlating resilient coping with measures of coping resources and psychological well-being. The correlations with measures of personal coping resources (e.g., optimism, helplessness, self-efficacy), pain-coping behaviors, and psychological well-being were in the expected direction, and were statistically significant and large. In conclusion, the adaptation into Spanish of the BRCS seems to be a reliable and valid measure of resilient coping in the elderly population, and it could potentially be used in both clinical practice and research in the elderly.


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