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Spanish Adaptation of the D70 – The Dark Core of Personality in Spanish-Speaking Countries

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Abstract: Socially aversive (“dark”) personality traits (e.g., Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism, etc.) share many features which led Moshagen et al. (2018) to conceptualize D, the common core between them. This work aims to establish internal structure evidence for the validation of the Spanish version of its measure (D70) and to demonstrate measurement invariance across sex and country based on a total of 12,356 participants from six countries (Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru). Item analysis, reliability, and confirmatory factor analysis following a bifactor structure were performed in each sample in order to assess the psychometric properties of the test, following tests of measurement invariance regarding sex and country. Results showed that the Spanish version of the D70 is an essentially unidimensional and reliable measure, and further supported invariance across sex and countries. This gives cross-cultural researchers a new tool for studying the common core of dark personality in Spanish-speaking countries, and the applied psychologist the possibility to assess socially aversive personalities from the dark factor model.


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