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Research Article

A Normative Study in England With the Rorschach Comprehensive System

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Abstract. This study provides Rorschach data for 88 adults aged 18–65 years from the general population in England. The sample was matched as closely as possible with census data on the variables of gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, geographical location, occupation, and level of education. The Rorschach was administered according to the Comprehensive System by five experienced psychologists. Participants also completed a measure of psychological distress called the CORE. Interscorer reliability was found to be excellent for all variables apart from the six cognitive special scores, for which it was fair. Rorschach data are presented for Comprehensive System variables and compared with Exner’s (2007) sample of 450 nonpatient adults in the United States and with the international reference sample (Meyer, Erdberg, & Shaffer, 2007).
