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Correction to Dinić, Bulut Allred, Petrović, and Wertag (2020)

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    In the article entitled “A test of three sadism measures: Short sadistic impulse scale, varieties of sadistic tendencies, and assessment of sadistic personality” by Bojana M. Dinić, Tara Bulut Allred, Boban Petrović, and Anja Wertag (Journal of Individual Differences, the acknowledgments are missing. They should read as follows:


    This research was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [Grant No. 179006]. The authors would like to thank Goran Knežević for his significant contribution to the back translation of the VAST and Ashley Lauren Watts for providing the procedure for calculating the D statistic.

    The authors regret any inconvenience or confusion this error may have caused.


    • Dinić, B. M., Bulut Allred, T., Petrović, B., & Wertag, A. (2020). A test of three sadism measures: Short sadistic impulse scale, varieties of sadistic tendencies, and assessment of sadistic personality. Journal of Individual Differences. Advance online publication.–0001/a000319 First citation in articleGoogle Scholar