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Comparing the Performance of Agree/Disagree and Item-Specific Questions Across PCs and Smartphones

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Abstract. The use of agree/disagree (A/D) questions is a common technique to measure attitudes. For instance, this question format is employed frequently in the Eurobarometer and International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). Theoretical considerations, however, suggest that A/D questions require a complex processing. Therefore, many survey researchers have recommended the use of item-specific (IS) questions, since they seem to be less burdensome. Parallel to this methodological discussion is the discussion around the use of mobile devices for responding to surveys. However, until now, evidence has been lacking as to whether the use of mobile devices for survey response affects the performance of established question formats. In this study, implemented in the Netquest panel in Spain (N = 1,476), we investigated the cognitive effort and response quality associated with A/D and IS questions across PCs and smartphones. For this purpose, we applied a split-ballot design defined by device type and question format. Our analyses revealed longer response times for IS questions than A/D questions, irrespective of the device type and scale length. Also, the IS questions produced better response quality than their A/D counterparts. All in all, the findings indicate a more conscientious response to IS questions compared to A/D questions.


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