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The German-Language Short Form of the Big Five Inventory for Children and Adolescents – Other-Rating Version (BFI-K KJ-F)

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Abstract. The other-rating version of the Big Five Inventory for Children and Adolescents (BFI-K KJ-F) serves to record the five basic personality traits of Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness to Experience via reference persons and it is an addition to the German-language self-assessment questionnaire for children and adolescents (BFI-K KJ; Kupper, Krampen, Rammstedt, & Rohrmann, 2019). To determine the psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire comprising 26 items, personality assessments of 258 reference persons (predominantly parents) of 9–16-year-old children and adolescents (M = 11.66, SD = 2.04; 52% girls) are available. The reliability of the method could be substantiated by internal consistency analyses (Cronbach’s α = .70–.86 and McDonald’s ω = .71–.86, respectively) and a retest analysis (rp,tt = .74–.90). The five-factor structure was supported by an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The analyses of age and gender, which were in conformity with literature, as well as the comparison of self- and other-rating, which predominantly showed moderate to high accordance, also speak in favor of validity. The other-rating version of the BFI-K KJ proves to be reliable and valid as well as economic.


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