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Special Section: Studies with Children and Adolescents

Projective Kit for Early Childhood (P. K. E. C.)

A Projective Tool for Research and Clinical Assessment

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This article highlights, on the one hand, the relevance of the Projective Kit for Early Childhood – a projective play test – in the dual prospect of research practice, and of clinical practice, on the other hand, considering a form of continuity between both these processes, as stressed by C. Chabert (1995). First, a brief introduction to this unique test in the field of psychopathology in young children serves to assess the relevance of this projective device in clinical practice and research. Then we successively present the test’s implications in actual clinical research, involving an evaluation of the psychoaffective dynamics of children with West syndrome (a form of epilepsy occurring in infants from the early stages of life, which impairs their development and frequently leads to psychopathological pictures in the autism spectrum) and as part of a clinical consultation process focused on the problem of depression.


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