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The Value of the Rorschach Method in Clinical Assessment of Migraine Patients

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Abstract. Approximately 15% of the world’s population suffer from migraine. This affliction is recognized as one of the 20 leading causes of disability globally and therefore constitutes a public health problem. Psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, and stress are involved in migraine. However, mentalization abilities are considered a protective factor against physical illness. The last study of migraine in adults using the Rorschach test goes back to 2001 in Italy. We propose to update the data in a French sample comparing migraine patients (N = 32) with standards focusing on the mentalizing factors defined by de Tychey, Diwo, and Dollander (2000). The results highlight significant differences between migraine patient functioning in the Rorschach and the general population: There are few representations and affective expression is restricted. Migraine patients have difficulties to mentalize excitations. In conclusion, mentalization-based treatment could be a beneficial intervention for migraine patients.


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