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This study investigated the reliability of the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF) when used by psychiatric staff from acute psychiatric wards. A special focus was attributed to factors predicting the reliability of the GAF.

101 raters from six acute psychiatric wards assessed six GAF-vignettes. Intraclasscorrelation (ICC) with a model of absolute agreement was used as the overall reliability measure.

An overall ICC of 0.79 was obtained. There were no significant differences found between the different occupational groups or psychiatric wards according to reliability. None of the predictive factors in the regression model yielded a significant contribution to reliability.

The present study supports prior results of a reliability coefficient to be found mainly in the good to excellent range. There is supporting evidence that GAF ratings performed by trained psychiatric ward staff comprise a satisfactory reliability. The present study adds to prior research showing no consistent results between studies according to reliability factors. Further studies focusing on factors related to reliability are needed.
