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Open AccessSystematic Review

Short-Scale Construction Using Meta-Analytic Ant Colony Optimization

A Demonstration With the Need for Cognition Scale

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Abstract: The Need for Cognition Scale (NCS) is a self-report scale measuring individual differences in the tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking. The shortened version with 18 items (NCS-18; Cacioppo et al., 1984) has widely been administered in research on persuasion, critical thinking, and educational achievement. Whereas most studies advocated for essential uni-dimensionality, the question remains which psychometric model yields the best representation of the NCS-18. In the present study, we compared six competing measurement models for the NCS-18 with meta-analytic structural equation models using summary data of 87 samples (N = 90,215). Results demonstrated that the negatively worded items introduced considerable measurement bias that was best accounted for with an acquiescence model. In a further analytical step, we showcased how the pooled correlation matrix can be used to compile short versions of the NCS-18 via Ant Colony Optimization. We examined model fit and reliability of short scales with varying item numbers (between 4 and 15) and a balanced ratio of positively and negatively worded items. We discuss the potentials and limits of the newly proposed method.

Need For Cognition (NFC) describes people’s “tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking” (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982, p. 116). The construct has initially been used in various fields of social psychology including decision-making (Levin et al., 2000), persuasion (DeSteno et al., 2004), and priming (Petty et al., 2008), and especially as a motivational factor in the context of the elaboration likelihood model (e.g., Petty et al., 1993). Since then, NFC has become a popular construct that has been applied to many other psychological disciplines (Petty et al., 2009), for example, in cognitive psychology, research on critical thinking (West et al., 2008), problem solving (Nair & Ramnarayan, 2000), as well as memory recall and recognition (Kardash & Noel, 2000). NFC has also become influential in educational psychology as an intellectual investment trait (Jebb et al., 2016; Mussel, 2013) for explaining interindividual differences in learning and educational achievement in primary and secondary school (Colling et al., 2022; Luong et al., 2017) as well in university (Grass et al., 2017).

The construct of NFC is strongly tied to a specific measurement instrument – the 18-item short version of the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS-18; Cacioppo et al., 1984) – which has been included in several hundreds of articles since its development. Whereas in most studies, a uni-dimensional structure is assumed (e.g., Cacioppo et al., 1984; Sadowski, 1993), there are also alternative multidimensional conceptualizations (e.g., Tanaka et al., 1988), or solutions that incorporate method-specific variance that is caused by negatively worded items. In the present study, we examined the factor structure of the NCS-18 with meta-analytical structural equation modeling (MASEM) by comparing competing measurement models including models that try to tap method-specific variances such as an acquiescence model (Billiet & McClendon, 2000) and bifactor models (Eid et al., 2017). Moreover, we used the NCS-18 as an example to demonstrate how the meta-analytically derived correlation matrix can be used as a starting point for short-scale construction using metaheuristics such as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO; Schroeders et al., 2016a).

Development and Dimensionality of the Need for Cognition Scale

The original Need for Cognition Scale was developed by Cacioppo and Petty (1982). Drawing on earlier work by Cohen et al. (1955), they initially developed a self-report measure with 45 items that were intended to capture a single major trait and selected the 34 items that discriminated best between a group of blue- versus white-collar workers (low vs. high in NFC). Already in this initial version, the NCS-34, several items were reversely scored (i.e., a negative answer indicating higher levels of NFC) to counteract a potential response bias of acquiescence. Only a few years later, this scale was revised and shortened to an 18-item version (NCS-18; Cacioppo et al., 1984) that correlated highly with the long version (r = .95). The NCS-18 became the most popular reference version for measuring NFC and was translated into several languages including Chinese (Kao, 1994), Portuguese (Gomes et al., 2013), Spanish (Maldonado et al., 1993), and Turkish (Gülgöz & Sadowski, 1995). In some instances, the development of instruments to assess NFC decoupled early on from the original test development. For example, Bless et al. (1994) compiled from the long version (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982) a 16-item German short scale that has 12 items in common with the NCS-18. There are also adaptions for children such as the 20-item version in French (Ginet & Py, 2000), a 14-item version in German (Keller et al., 2019), or – derived from the latter – the Polish version (Tanaś, 2021). The following explanations refer exclusively to the NCS-18.

The NCS-18 was designed to measure NFC uni-dimensionally (e.g., Cacioppo et al., 1984) and the majority of studies seem to support this construction rationale (Cacioppo et al., 1996; Culhane et al., 2004; Lins de Holanda Coelho et al., 2020; Perri & Wolfgang, 1988; Pieters et al., 1987; Sadowski, 1993). Multidimensional solutions often concern the longer versions of the scale (e.g., Tanaka et al., 1988; Waters & Zakrajsek, 1990). Because the items with the highest factor loading on the first factor were intentionally selected for the 18-item short version, likely, the resulting short scale is indeed uni-dimensional. Sometimes multidimensional structures of the short scale are reported for translated versions of the NCS-18 (e.g., Maldonado et al., 1993). For example, Gomes et al. (2013) reported a multidimensional structure for the Portuguese version with three moderately correlated factors (i.e., cognitive effort, preference for complexity, and desire for understanding). Lord and Putrevu (2006) even identified four dimensions for both the original and the abbreviated scale (i.e., enjoyment of cognitive stimulation, preference for complexity, commitment to cognitive effort, and desire for understanding). In summary, however, it must be ascertained that solutions with multiple distinctive factors are rare in research on the structure of the NCS-18.

Much more attention, however, has been paid to the question of whether the strict form of uni-dimensionality of the scale can be maintained since half of the NCS-18 items are negatively worded (e.g., “Thinking is not my idea of fun”). These negatively worded items were intentionally developed and retained in the short version to control for response bias or careless/insufficient effort responding. The different item wording induces systematic method-specific variance in self-report scales that can be accounted for by several psychometric models that have been proposed in the literature (e.g., DiStefano & Motl, 2006; Gnambs & Schroeders, 2020): (a) a two-dimensional model, (b) a correlated-uniqueness model, (c) bifactor models with and without a reference factor, and (d) an acquiescence model. Some, but not all of these models have been applied to the NCS-18 (for a graphical representation see Figure 1). Please note that our meta-analytic investigation focused on the variable-side to acknowledge wording effects. A complementary line of research tries to identify heterogeneity in response patterns between positively and negatively worded items on the person side with factor mixture modeling (Kam & Fan, 2020) or mixture item response model (Jin et al., 2017).

Figure 1 Competing measurement models for the NCS-18.

A two-dimensional model in which the positively and negatively worded items load on separate but correlated factors showed a better fit than the uni-dimensional model (Forsterlee & Ho, 1999; Hevey et al., 2012). However, a two-dimensional model seems only appropriate if the additionally specified factor represents something substantively different rather than a mere negation of the first factor (cognizers vs. cognitive misers), which is a questionable assumption given the clear loading pattern and the test authors’ clear intention to develop a uni-dimensional scale. Hereto, Zhang et al. (2016) examined the effect of reversely worded items on the factor structure of the NCS-18 by manipulating the extent of negatively worded items (none, half, all). As a result, the versions with homogeneously positively or negatively formulated items showed a clearer uni-dimensional structure than the original version for which the additional specification of a method factor was necessary.

To circumvent this argumentative problem of using positively and negatively worded items to measure a single, uni-dimensional construct, the correlated-uniqueness model has been suggested, in which correlated errors among the negatively worded items are introduced (Marsh, 1989; Marsh & Bailey, 1991). The idea is that the NCS-18 is principally uni-dimensional, but that response bias produces correlated residual variances. Systematic comparisons using confirmatory factor analysis repeatedly showed the superiority of the correlated-uniqueness model over a two-dimensional model in terms of fit indices for the NCS-18 (Forsterlee & Ho, 1999; Georgiou & Kyza, 2017; Hevey et al., 2012). However, specifying correlated residuals has several disadvantages (Conway et al., 2004; Lance et al., 2002), for example, that a person’s individual bias cannot be expressed with this modeling approach and that the trait variance is likely to be overestimated (Kenny & Kashy, 1992).

Bifactor models consist of a general factor reflecting the common variance of all items and specific, uncorrelated factors to capture additional variance among item sets. Bifactor models have recently experienced a renaissance as an important structural representation of multidimensionality within a uni-dimensional construct (Reise, 2012; Reise et al., 2010). However, bifactor models often lead to anomalous results such as negligible specific factors or irregular loading patterns. To overcome these shortcomings, Eid et al. (2017) proposed two alternative bifactor models in which either an indicator or a factor is set as a reference, whereas the remaining items constitute an uncorrelated method factor. Different bifactor models have been examined for strongly revised versions of the NCS-18 (e.g., Georgiou & Kyza, 2017; Preckel, 2014) and the original short scale (e.g., Bors et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2016). The results indicated that a model with an additional method factor for the negatively keyed items – a bifactor (S−1) model – outperformed other modeling approaches.

The last model to be mentioned in this context is the acquiescence model (Billiet & McClendon, 2000). Acquiescence describes the tendency to agree to an item independent of its content (Ferrando & Lorenzo-Seva, 2010). In such a model, all items load on a method factor in addition to the trait factor with factor loadings (in the recoded data set) fixed at −1 for negatively worded items and +1 for positively worded items, whereas the variance of the method factor is freely estimated to reflect individual differences in acquiescence (Aichholzer, 2014; Billiet & McClendon, 2000). In the context of the NCS-18, the acquiescence model has only been applied once, showing a better model fit than the two-factor solution (Bruinsma & Crutzen, 2018).

Short Scale Construction

The rise of longitudinal and multivariate studies in psychological research has created a greater need for psychometrically sound short scales (Dörendahl & Greiff, 2020). This trend is not exclusive to psychological research but also extends to related fields such as educational research, sociology, and economics. Employing short scales is advantageous in large-scale assessments, where even minor reductions in test length can lead to significant cost savings and potentially higher participant response rates (Schoeni et al., 2012), or in longitudinal experience sampling studies, where individual assessments should be kept short (Burchert et al., 2021). Typically, short scales are constructed by abbreviating existing scales based on some naïve, reliability-based item selection strategy (e.g., part-whole corrected item-total correlation or “alpha if item deleted” statistics, for an overview see Kruyen et al., 2013). However, it has repeatedly been shown that metaheuristics such as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) are superior to traditional item selection procedures (Jankowsky et al., 2020; Leite et al., 2008; Olaru et al., 2015, 2019; Schroeders et al., 2016a), because they offer the possibility to consider multiple criteria simultaneously (Steger et al., 2023), operate on the level of scale statistics rather than item statistics (Schroeders et al., 2016b), and are not prone to sequence effects of item removal (Olaru et al., 2019).

Selecting appropriate items from a larger item pool can be conceptualized as a combinatorial problem: Which items should be selected to suffice some preset criteria such as good model fit and high predictive validity? In general, the complexity of the combinatorial tasks increases dramatically with an increased number of items in the pool and may not be solvable in a reasonable amount of time with deterministic algorithms (i.e., exhaustive search). To tackle such combinatorial tasks, applied computer scientists have developed metaheuristics that can identify an optimal (or almost optimal) solution in a reasonable amount of time (Dorigo & Stützle, 2010). Metaheuristics are often inspired by biological processes (e.g., evolution) or natural adaptations (e.g., the foraging behavior of ants). Due to their versatility, they have also been proven as a highly effective tool for shortening scales in psychological assessment (Janssen et al., 2017; Leite et al., 2008; Olaru et al., 2015, 2019; Schroeders et al., 2016a). In the present context, we utilize the ACO algorithm which mimics the behavior of some ant species when foraging (Deneubourg et al., 1983, 1990).

We will provide a brief overview of the fundamental principles and analogies to enhance comprehension of the functioning of ACO (for a more detailed description, see Olaru et al., 2019). Ants employ pheromone trails to find the shortest path from the nest to the food source. On shorter routes, these trails tend to accumulate more rapidly, thereby attracting more ants. In a short period of time, the routes are refined until an efficient path is identified. In the context of short-scale construction, the different paths correspond to the various item sets that are randomly selected from a larger pool of items. Each set is evaluated based on a predefined optimization function, for example, maximizing reliability (i.e., minimizing route length). Just like pheromones accumulate more quickly on shorter routes, enticing more ants to follow them, items belonging to the best set in each iteration are assigned higher virtual pheromone values. Higher pheromones are equivalent to a higher drawing probability of these items being selected in subsequent iterations. The search process continues until no further improvements can be achieved.

Although the NCS-18 is already the short version of the initial 34-item measures, the demand for even shorter versions was repeatedly expressed. For example, Chiesi et al. (2018) introduced a 10-item version selecting the most informative items by means of item response theory, without any loss of critical validity compared to the long version. Similarly, Lins de Holanda Coelho et al. (2020) constructed a 6-item ultra-short scale (NCS-6) by manually selecting moderately difficult and informative items that had a high item-total correlation.

The Present Study

We used meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM; Cheung, 2014, Cheung & Cheung, 2016) to summarize the existing empirical work on the dimensional structure of the NCS-18 and to evaluate competing measurement models (see Figure 1). One advantage of MASEM is that the results of individual small, heterogeneous studies are combined (and weighted) so that more robust statements about the dimensionality of the NCS-18 can be made beyond a specific sample. More precisely, we employed a two-stage structural equation modeling (TSSEM; Cheung & Chan, 2005). In this method, correlation coefficients between the item scores are initially extracted from primary studies and meta-analytically combined into a pooled correlation matrix. Subsequently, confirmatory factor models are fitted to the pooled correlation matrix.

With the present research, we pursue two research goals: The first deals with the optimal factor analytic representation of the NCS-18. Most studies used the NCS-18 to include a short, prominent measure of intellectual engagement as a personality trait, thus, finding the correct underlying structure was not a primary concern. Since the NCS-18 was designed to capture a single latent construct, its uni-dimensionality has often been presupposed rather than examined in a confirmatory factor analytic manner. Thus, we examine the different psychometric conceptualizations that have been proposed in the literature. More specifically, we specified a two-dimensional model, a correlated uniqueness model (Marsh, 1989), two different types of bifactor models (Eid et al., 2017), and an acquiescence model (Billiet & McClendon, 2000) to find an optimal structural representation of the NCS-18.

Our second goal is to propose a new method that combines meta-analytic SEM and metaheuristics to compile short scales. In more detail, the above-mentioned pooled correlation matrix was used as a starting point for metaheuristic optimization (Schroeders et al., 2016a). Although the search for the best model could be exhaustive in the present context (i.e., selecting subsets of items out of a pool of 18 items), we showcase the more generic approach in a proof-of-concept study that can easily be adapted to more complex scenarios. Thus, MASEM-ACO combines the advantages of meta-analytic aggregation of structural information using MASEM and item sampling techniques using ACO that are eligible to consider multiple criteria simultaneously.


In an open data repository, we provide relevant material including the codebook, the coded data, and annotated syntax for all analyses to reproduce the reported findings (see Schroeders et al., 2024, Furthermore, we present the results of supplemental analyses which are briefly referenced in the main text.

Meta-Analytic Database

Search Strategy

The search for primary studies reporting on the factor structure of the NCS-18 covered Google Scholar, main scientific databases (e.g., PsycArticles, PsycINFO, and PSYNDEX), open data repositories (e.g., OSF, Mendeley Data), and major journals sharing primary data (e.g., PLOS ONE, Data in Brief).1 In May 2023, we identified 4,024 potentially relevant journal articles and data sets using the Boolean expression (“NFC scale” OR “NC scale” OR “need for cognition scale”) AND (“factor analysis” OR “factor structure” OR “principal component analysis” OR “item analysis”). After scanning the titles, abstracts, and, subsequently, tables and figures of these manuscripts or the raw data, we reviewed the full text of 77 studies. We retained all studies that met the following criteria:

  • (a)
    In the study, the original or a translated version of the NCS-18 was administered (i.e., all studies that altered the wording/meaning of the items or used the extended NCS-34 were excluded, despite an overlap in items).
  • (b)
    The necessary item-level statistics were available either as raw data, as the full correlation (or covariance) matrix, or as the loading pattern from an exploratory (or confirmatory) factor analysis. In case the raw data of a study was available, we calculated the respective correlation matrix.
  • (c)
    The sample size was reported.

We excluded studies that reported the results of a factor analysis that was jointly conducted with items of another measure besides the NCS-18. We also excluded studies with factor analytic results that did not accurately describe the empirical data (i.e., explained variance below R2 = .30 in exploratory factor analysis or insufficient model fit in confirmatory factor analysis). No further exclusions were made based on sample characteristics, publication year, type of publication (e.g., peer-reviewed or not), or the language of publication. We also made an open social media call for unpublished studies including the NCS-18 and asked colleagues directly via email to send raw data or the item correlation matrices. Several authors were responsive to our request (Barceló, 2023; Cartwright et al., 2009; Edwards, 2009; Gomes et al., 2013; Grădinaru et al., 2023; Karagiannopoulou et al., 2020; Koutsogiorgi, 2020; Lee et al., 2020; Pilli & Mazzon, 2016; Powell et al., 2016; Sousa et al., 2018; van Tilburg et al., 2019; Weigold & Weigold, 2022; Weng & DeMarree, 2019). This literature search and screening process resulted in 57 publications with 87 samples that were included in our meta-analysis (see Figure 2 for an overview).

Figure 2 Overview of the literature search process. aThe search term was a Boolean expression: (“NFC scale” OR “NC scale” OR “Need for cognition scale”) AND (“factor analysis” OR “factor structure” OR “principal component analysis” OR “item analysis”). bFor screening the data repositories the search term was reduced to “need for cognition” AND data. cFor more detailed information on the reasons for exclusion see screening_studies.xlsx in the OSF deposit.

Coding Procedure

We defined all relevant information to be extracted from each publication accompanied by relevant coding guidelines in a coding protocol (see Electronic Supplementary Material, ESM 1). The focal information pertained to correlations of the 18 items of the NCS either calculated from the raw data or extracted from the publication as well as the factor loading patterns. If different factor solutions for the same sample were available, we used the factor loading pattern with the highest number of factors. In addition, descriptive information was collected on the publication (e.g., publication year, type of publication), the sample (e.g., sample size, country, language, mean age, percentage of women), and the reported factor analysis (e.g., number of extracted factors, factor analytic method). If raw data were available, the respective information was calculated from the data. All studies’ characteristics were coded by the first author and a second time by the last author independently to evaluate the coding process. Data extraction was mostly script-based, with the correctness of the scripts also double-checked. The intercoder agreement was quantified using Krippendorff’s α (Krippendorff, 2013) which indicated very good agreement with values between 0.88 and 1.00. Deviations in the rating were resolved by consensus.

Evaluation of Risk of Bias

The quality of the available studies was assessed using eight slightly adapted items from the risk of bias scale which was developed to evaluate the potential biases of primary studies included in systematic reviews and meta-analyses (Nudelman & Otto, 2020). This quality screening was specifically designed for observational studies that did not involve any interventions. The items included in the evaluation covered various aspects such as the recruitment of participants (i.e., whether appropriate methods were used to select respondents), the size of the sample, and data management procedures (i.e., whether data cleaning procedures were reported including the handling of invalid responses or outliers). The specific items, along with the modifications made, can be found in ESM 1, Table E1. The risk of bias was determined by the sum score across the eight items with higher scores indicating a greater risk of bias. The first and last author independently rated all of the studies. There was a high level of agreement between the ratings as indicated by Krippendorff’s α coefficient of .89, which is why the mean of both raters’ scores was used for the primary analyses.

Meta-Analytic Procedure

Meta-Analytic Factor Analyses

We examined the factor structure of the NCS-18 with MASEM that integrates two established techniques that have a long-standing tradition but limited mutual exchange (Cheung, 2013; Jak, 2015). In more detail, we used the two-stage structural equation modeling approach (TSSEM; Cheung & Chan, 2005). Recently, a one-stage MASEM (OSMASEM) has been introduced (Jak & Cheung, 2020). OSMASEM and TSSEM (without moderators) typically result in highly comparable point estimates and standard errors for the SEM parameters (e.g., Gnambs & Sengewald, 2023; Jak & Cheung, 2023) and, thus, can be used interchangeably. One advantage of TSSEM is that it is computationally more efficient and faster. Moreover, meta-analytic exploratory factor analyses and the here implemented Ant Colony Optimization require the pooled correlation matrix, similar to TSSEM. In the first stage of TSSEM, the item-level correlation matrices were pooled using a random-effects meta-analysis with a maximum likelihood estimator (Cheung & Cheung, 2016). In doing so, we used the zero-order Pearson product-moment correlations between the items as effect size measures (for a graphical representation of the correlation matrix of all correlation matrices, see ESM 1, Figure E1 which can be used for visual detection of outliers). For the majority of publications, raw data was available (57 samples), whereas correlation matrices were rarely depicted (14 samples). For 16 samples, we calculated the model-implied item-level correlations based on the reported factor pattern matrices from exploratory or confirmatory factor analyses (Gnambs & Staufenbiel, 2016).

In the second stage of MASEM, the derived pooled correlation matrix was subjected to weighted least square factor analyses, because simply taking a pooled correlation matrix as input for a structural equation model is inaccurate (see Cheung & Chan, 2005 for a full account). We first report the results of an exploratory factor analysis with oblimin rotation (δ = 0). Following the recommendations of Auerswald and Moshagen (2019), we used several criteria to decide on the number of factors to retain (e.g., Horn’s parallel analysis, Bayesian information criteria, and sequential χ2 model tests). The main focus, however, is on testing the competing measurement models by means of confirmatory factor analysis with a weighted least square estimator using the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of the pooled correlations from the first step as weights (Cheung & Chan, 2005). In line with conventional standards (see Schermelleh-Engel et al., 2003) and current recommendations (Bader & Moshagen, 2022), the following cut-off criteria were used as an indication of acceptable model fit: Comparative fit index (CFI) ≥ .95, non-normed fit index (NNFI; also known as Tucker-Lewis Index) ≥ .95, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) ≤ .08, and a standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) ≤ .10. Model fit was considered good for a CFI ≥ .97, NNFI ≥ .97, RMSEA ≤ .05, and SRMR ≤ .05. Additionally, the relational fit values Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) were also provided. Our evaluation of model fit was not based on model fit indices alone but also took into account model complexity and the pattern/magnitude of factor loadings (see Heene et al., 2011). The significance of (nested) factors was determined with the reliability coefficient ω (Flora, 2020).

Sensitivity Analyses

We conducted several sensitivity analyses to examine the robustness of the correlation matrices: First, we used the correlation among the correlation matrices to find the studies that deviated most from all others. These outlier studies were excluded to study their impact on the pooled correlation matrix. Second, we examined the influence of a few very large sample-sized studies – that accounted for approximately 60% of the sample – on the meta-analytic results by splitting the database into two subsets (large vs. the remaining studies). Finally, we considered the study quality as another biasing influence that might affect the factor analytic results. Therefore, we weighted each correlation matrix by the inverse of the risk of bias score using a Gaussian kernel function (see also Hildebrandt et al., 2016), which means, high-quality studies were included in the recalculations with a proportionally larger sample size. Put differently, we reran the MASEM analyses for a set of hypothetical samples of the highest quality (see the supplement information in Gnambs & Schroeders, 2024, for details on this approach).

Ant Colony Optimization Procedure

The core of every metaheuristic search is the optimization function which is modular in design and often contains several criteria to evaluate the quality of the models. In the present context, we limit our examination to (a) model fit and (b) the reliability of the trait factor. Please note that in principle this optimization function can accommodate any quantifiable additional criteria such as maximizing validity (Steger et al., 2023) or cross-cultural measurement invariance (Jankowsky et al., 2020). All criteria were logit-transformed, on the one hand, to bring the values onto a common scale [0;1] and, on the other hand, to maximally differentiate between models around a preset cutoff value (Janssen et al., 2017; Schroeders et al., 2016a).

With respect to the first criterion, model fit, we used a combination of an incremental fit index, the comparative fit index (CFI ≥ .97), and an absolute fit index, the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA ≤ .05) – as proposed with the two-index presentation strategy (Hu & Bentler, 1999). The inflection points of the logit functions were set to the cut-off values mentioned above as an indication of good model fit.


With respect to the reliability of the scale, we used McDonald’s ω (Flora, 2020) with values larger than .75 considered desirable.


Both criteria of model fit and reliability were combined equally in an overall optimization function:


Furthermore, we systematically varied the number of items from 4 to 15, paying attention to a balance between positively and negatively worded items (in case of an odd item number, one positively worded item more was drawn). We tested the originally intended uni-dimensional measurement model and the acquiescence model to deal with the method variance introduced by the negatively worded items.


Study Characteristics

The meta-analysis included 87 samples nested in 57 publications that were published between 1993 and 2023. The median sample size was Mdn = 354 participants (total N = 90,215; Min = 117, Max = 33,784) with approximately 59.3% women and a reported mean age of 29.3 years (SD = 9.5). The NCS-18 has been translated into several different languages (Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Croatian, French, Greek, Icelandic, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Turkish), but two-thirds of the samples included in our meta-analytic data set relied on the original English version, followed by Dutch (13 samples)2 and Portuguese (4 samples). Most studies consisted of either undergraduate university students or online samples from crowdworking platforms (mostly MTurk). The three largest studies, which together accounted for approximately 60% of the total sample size, were an extensive survey conducted during the Catalan independence movement with a total of 33,784 participants (Barceló, 2023), the Dutch panel survey LISS (Longitudinal Internet Studies for Social science; Scherpenzeel & Das, 2010) with 13,503 participants, and the AIID study (Attitudes, Identities, and Individual Differences), which was conducted via the Project Implicit website with 6,851 participants (Hussey & Hughes, 2020). The study characteristics of all samples are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Overview of samples and coded data

Exploratory Factor Analyses

The pooled correlations between the 18 NCS items showed moderate item correlations between .06 and .55 (Mdn = .29; for the pooled correlation matrix see ESM 1, Table E2). The different criteria that can be used to determine the number of factors in exploratory factor analysis (Auerswald & Moshagen, 2019; Ruscio & Roche, 2012) came to the same conclusion: The empirical Kaiser criterion (EKC; Braeken & van Assen, 2017), the Hull method (Lorenzo-Seva et al., 2011), the minimum average partial method (MAP; Velicer, 1976), and Horn’s parallel analyses (PAPCA; Garrido et al., 2013) all suggested a two-factor solution. Also, the sequential χ2 model tests came to the same conclusion when the sample size was reduced to the usual orders of magnitude (n < 1,000). Accordingly, we extracted two factors in an exploratory factor analysis with oblimin rotation. The two-factor structure reflected the division into negatively and positively worded items with high factor loadings on the corresponding factors (Mdnpos = .63; Mdnneg = .60), whereas the cross-loadings were close to zero (Mdn = .00, Min = −.09, Max = .07). The factors were substantially correlated at r = .59, but far from unity. Parameter estimates of the uni- and the two-dimensional solution are listed in ESM 1, Table E3.

Confirmatory Factor Analyses

We estimated six measurement models (see Figure 1) based on the pooled correlation matrix to examine which of the different psychometric modeling approaches adequately captured the structure of the NCS-18 (model fit values are listed in Table 2, the parameter estimates of all models are provided in ESM 1, Table E4). The confirmatory factor analyses showed that the uni-dimensional model with a single general factor for all items did not adequately describe the empirical data with respect to the above-mentioned cutoff values. Although all items had substantial loadings on the latent factor (Mdn = .56, Min = .29, Max = .67), the absolute model fit indices (RMSEA and SRMR) were insufficient. In contrast, all other models that accounted for the method effects related to item wording showed good model fit values. More specifically, the two-factor model with two separate factors for the positively and negatively worded items (Model 2), the correlated uniqueness model with residual correlations between all negatively worded items (Model 3), the two bifactor models accounting for method variance without and with reference factor (Models 4 and 5), and the acquiescence model (Model 6) only slightly differed in terms of model fit values. Taking a closer look at the models’ assumptions, one would rule out the two-dimensional model because the two factors do not represent distinct facets. Moreover, in many applied settings one is interested in calculating a single-person estimate for NFC. The correlated-uniqueness model also has substantive shortcomings (Conway et al., 2004; Lance et al., 2002), because among other things the amount of individual bias cannot be quantified, and it is less parsimonious than the competing models.

Table 2 Goodness of fit statistics for different meta-analytic confirmatory factor models of the NCS-18

Considering model complexity, the bifactor with two orthogonal method factors for the different item wording besides a trait factor performed best, as shown by the highest NNFI and the lowest BIC. However, what is problematic about this solution is the range and magnitude of the factor loadings on the method factor for negatively keyed items which varied between -.09 and .30 (see also Table S4). To overcome this inconsistent loading pattern indicating over factorization, we estimated a bifactor (S−1) model with the positively keyed items of the NCS-18 set as a reference (Eid et al., 2017). In this model, all factor loadings on the nested method factor for negatively keyed items were more pronounced (Mneg = 0.49) and even slightly larger than the loadings of these items on the trait factor (MNFC/neg = 0.36). These results indicate that negatively keyed items functioned somewhat differently as compared to positively keyed items. They captured non-negligible, unique variance in addition to the common trait.

The acquiescence model which captures the tendency to agree to an item independent of its content (Ferrando & Lorenzo-Seva, 2010) is in line with the underlying uni-dimensional conceptualization of the NCS-18 while simultaneously addressing response style bias. Kam and Zhou (2015) have argued that the acquiescence model is based on the assumption that all items are equally affected by response bias, which is hard to test. Taking the model fit values, the factor loading patterns, and model parsimony into account, we recommend the acquiescence model to represent the structure of the NCS-18. In the subsequent short-scale construction via ACO, we compare the uni-dimensional model (with its insufficient model fit for the long form) and the acquiescence model.

Short-Scale Construction With Ant Colony Optimization

Figure 3 shows the incremental model fit index CFI (Figure 3A) and the reliability coefficient ω (Figure 3B) for short scales with 4–15 items. Figure 3 shows the results for a uni-dimensional measurement model that had poor model fit in the long version (blue lines) and the results for the acquiescence model (black line). In both models, the number of positively and negatively worded items was balanced (in the case of an odd number of items, one positively formulated item more was drawn). The results of the short scales compiled via MASEM-ACO (solid lines) were compared to the best model of 10 randomly selected short scales (dashed lines). The more sophisticated modeling of the acquiescence model yielded excellent model fit with CFI values above .985, regardless of the length of the short scale. In contrast, the uni-dimensional models with more than five items did not describe the data sufficiently well. Although there was a slight advantage of ACO over a random selection, the item pool was apparently not diverse and large enough to compensate for the incorrect modeling of the uni-dimensional model. As expected, the reliability coefficient increased with an increasing number of items; if at least half of the items were selected, values of ω were larger than .80. Again, there are small advantages of ACO selection over a random selection for the reliability coefficients. The acquiescence model achieved higher reliability values than the uni-dimensional model because the bias is separated from the trait. For an overview of the items included in the short versions of the acquiescence model, see ESM 1, Table E5.

Figure 3 Comparison of short scales derived via MASEM-ACO vs. randomly selected. The dashed lines represent the best of 10 randomly drawn short scales.

Sensitivity Analyses

The influence of the outlier studies on the pooled correlations matrix was small. The differences in the pooled correlations as compared to the full sample (Min = −.015, Max = .012) were unsystematic around 0 (M = 0, Mdn = 0), which is why we have abstained from repeating the confirmatory factor analyses (see ESM 1, Figure E2). We reran the main analyses separately for the three big studies (Barceló, 2023; Hussey & Hughes, 2020; Scherpenzeel & Das, 2010) versus all other studies. Although there were differences in the pooled correlation matrices (Min = −.170, Max = .113), their average was also close to 0 (M = −0.029, Mdn = −.025, see ESM 1, Table E6). The results of the measurement models were similar (see ESM 1, Table E7) and did not change any conclusions drawn. Finally, although the risk of bias for the included studies varied considerably (see last column in Table 1), controlling for the study quality did not affect the factor analytic results. Figure 4 shows that the pooled correlations and factor loadings of the acquiescence model were similar, regardless of whether we controlled for the study quality or not. The average difference in factor loadings between the two analyses was small (M = −0.012; range: −0.029 to 0.002), indicating that differences in the quality of scientific reporting did not affect the statistics that underlie the results of the present meta-analysis (for quite similar results see Gnambs & Schroeders, 2024).

Figure 4 Pooled correlations and factor loadings for the NCS-18 with and without controlling for study quality. Presented are pooled correlations between the items of the NCS-18 and factor loadings of the meta-analytic acquiescence model. Upper-diagonal results on the top do not control for study quality, while lower diagonal results on the right control for study quality.


NFC is the tendency “to seek, acquire, think about, and reflect back on information to make sense of stimuli, relationships, and events in their world” (Cacioppo et al., 1996, p. 198) is a personality trait often considered in psychological research because it helps in explaining why people under the same circumstances decide or behave differently. It is closely related to typical intellectual engagement, openness to new ideas, and epistemic curiosity, which is why these constructs are grouped in the Seek-Think cluster of Mussel’s Intellect Framework (Mussel, 2013). The most popular scale to measure NFC is by far the NCS-18. Concerning the internal structure of the scale, uni-dimensionality is often assumed, but rarely tested with confirmatory factor analyses. In the present meta-analysis, we gathered all available raw data, correlation matrices, and factor loading matrices to address the question of the best psychometric modeling. It is also the first psychometric review of the NCS-18 in which bifactor models and the acquiescence model have been compared. One of the main findings was that the consideration of specific method variance for the negatively formulated items was essential since a uni-dimensional measurement model did not adequately describe the data. Although all models accounting for this method-related variance achieved similar good fit values, we prefer the acquiescence model because it is both parsimonious (in comparison to the correlated uniqueness and the bifactor models) and yielded a more sensible pattern of factor loadings (in comparison to the bifactor models).

Limitations and Future Research

Some limitations of the present meta-analysis have to be taken into account: First, the recovery of population factors in individual studies can be impeded by sampling error (MacCallum et al., 2001). Although pooling results across diverse samples should provide more robust inferences on the population factor structure, the meta-analytical basis is decisive for the quality of the conclusions drawn. The high proportion of online studies (see Table 1), mostly conducted via the panel provider MTurk, was striking, despite the known limitations (e.g., Douglas et al., 2023; Kennedy et al., 2020). One study included in our meta-analysis (Weigold & Weigold, 2022) directly compared the results of convenience samples commonly used in psychological research (i.e., traditional college students, MTurk workers, and an MTurk sample of college students), and found various differences between the samples, not only in the sample characteristics but also in the correlations at the scale level and at the item level. On the one hand, the sometimes-reported low study quality of online studies is even more alarming because many studies included in the present meta-analysis did not report any cleaning procedures (ca. 70% of the studies according to item 8 of the risk of bias scale). On the other hand, we found only negligible differences in the correlation matrix depending on the study quality. Second, we could not investigate moderation effects because, despite the large database, it was not possible to look more closely at language differences, age differences, or the effects of the assessment setting.

We think that the present article could initiate further research because it introduces a new method that can help to shorten measurement instruments, a frequent demand in large-scale psychological assessment (Kruyen et al., 2013). For this, MASEM-ACO uses meta-analytic aggregation of statistical information across a large number of studies, to then use the pooled correlation matrix as a starting point for scale abbreviation via ACO. The present study is to be understood as a proof-of-concept because for the NCS-18 even a complete search would have been possible. The first reason why an exhaustive search is possible is that the measure is already relatively short: For example, for the ten-item versions, there are only 15,876 = models, if the same number of positively and negatively keyed items are drawn. However, if the number of items is larger, the number of models to be estimated increases exponentially, a phenomenon which is known as combinatorial explosion. For example, selecting 18 items out of 34 items, as was done for the NCS-18, is combinatorically more demanding: 590,976,100 = . With increasing item numbers, ACO can increasingly demonstrate its advantages in short-scale construction.

The second reason why a complete search is possible in the case of the NCS-18 is that the questionnaire’s structure is quite clear compared to other scales. If the dimensional structure is unclear, another metaheuristic that was recently introduced – Bee Swarm Optimization (BSO) – might be helpful in finding the dimensional structure while simultaneously selecting items for the final scale (Schroeders et al., 2023). The authors outlined the advantages of the BSO over and above traditional methods (e.g., exploratory factor analysis with sequential item selection) and demonstrated its usefulness in finding the underlying structure in two empirical data sets. Possible candidates for such a meta-analytic BSO investigation would be the 27-item Short Dark Triad Questionnaire (SD3; Jones & Paulhus, 2014) or the Actively Open-minded Thinking scale (AOT; Stanovich & West, 2007).

From a meta-analytic perspective, one might object that it is unlikely to obtain sufficient data such as correlation matrices and factor loadings when more than 20 items are presented. This may be true for aggregate data; however, the Open Science movement has significantly improved the availability of raw data (Hardwicke et al., 2021; Nosek et al., 2022). This paradigm shift in sharing raw data is also reflected in the literature search of the present study: Whereas only three studies (with 10 samples) provided raw data before 2017, there is a sharp increase thereafter (28 studies with 47 samples). This cultural change in the research community has once and for all altered the database on which to rely in meta-analyses, which is why meta-analyses will continue to thrive in the future.


In the present meta-analysis, we compared competing measurement models for the 18-item NCS using summary data of 87 samples (N = 90,215). After considering content-related and various psychometric criteria such as loading patterns, model fit, and parsimony, we found that an acquiescence model appeared particularly well-suited to account for the method variance caused by the negatively keyed items (which also hinders a uni-dimensional model). This study is the first to combine meta-analysis with metaheuristics (MASEM-ACO), thereby providing a flexible and promising new tool for the method toolbox of psychometricians. Leveraging the growing meta-analytic database at the item level, MASEM-ACO enables the construction of sound short scales.

We thank the following authors for providing raw data/correlations to their studies: Joan Barceló, Kelly B. Cartwright, Mike Edwards, Alexandra Gomes, Diana Grădinaru, Michalis Michaelides, Luis Pilli, Christopher Powell, Harry Reis, Christos Rentzios, Cátia de Sousa, Wijnand A. P. van Tilburg, Arne Weigold, and Jennifer Weng.

1Open Science Framework:, PsychArchives:, Harvard Dataverse:, Mendeley Data:, Kaggle:, Google Dataset Search:, Journal of Open Psychology Data:, Scientific Data:, Data in Brief:, eLife:, PLOS:

2Ten out of the 13 Dutch samples were consecutive waves of the LISS panel (Longitudinal Internet Studies for Social science; Bruinsma & Crutzen, 2018). For the analyses, only those participants were included who were not already considered in previous waves (disjoint samples).

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