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Call for Papers: “Clinical and Social Psychology: Identifying Commonalities and Synergies to Advance Research and Practice”

A Topical Issue of the Zeitschrift für Psychologie

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Once published side by side in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, key clinical and social psychological findings have been documented separately over the last fifty years. While both successor journals – The Journal of Abnormal Psychology and The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology – have thrived, the divide increases the likelihood that the two disciplines miss out on each other’s advances, contributions, and achievements. This topical issue takes a programmatic stance, based on the assumption that there are many commonalities between the disciplines worth highlighting, and synergies to develop and build upon.

Social psychology has unearthed a multitude of principles on how individuals function in a complex social world, which may contribute to the understanding of pathologies and/or advance treatment. Conversely, clinical psychology has amassed a plethora of key insights on the nature of psychopathology, mental health, and interventions that may inform and help develop social psychological theorizing.

We invite contributions that identify common ground, highlight insights from one discipline that may of be interest to readers in the respective other discipline, and/or develop theorizing based on concepts or evidence that exist in the other field. As such, both empirical and theoretical articles are welcome. We aim for this topical issue to be of interest to both researchers and practitioners, though not every contribution needs to serve both constituencies.

How to Submit

Interested authors should submit a letter of intent including: (1) a working title for the manuscript, (2) names, affiliations, and contact information for all authors, and (3) an abstract of no more than 500 words detailing the content of the proposed manuscript to the guest editors Rainer Greifeneder () or Andrew Gloster ().

There is a two-stage submissions process. Initially, interested authors are requested to submit only abstracts of their proposed papers. Authors of the selected abstracts will then be invited to submit full papers. All papers will undergo blind peer review.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is January 1, 2020.

Deadline for submission of full papers is May 1, 2020.

The journal seeks to maintain a short turnaround time, with the final version of the accepted papers being due by October 31, 2020. The topical issue is scheduled as issue 2 (2021).

For additional information, please contact:

Rainer Greifeneder () or Andrew Gloster ()

About the Journal

The Zeitschrift für Psychologie, founded in 1890, is the oldest psychology journal in Europe and the second oldest in the world. One of the founding editors was Hermann Ebbinghaus. Since 2007 it is published in English and devoted to publishing topical issues that provide state-of-the-art reviews of current research in psychology.

For detailed author guidelines, please see the journal’s website at