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Original Communication

Comparison of the Eating and Cooking Habits of Northern Europe and the Mediterranean Countries in the Past, Present and Future

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It was already possible to demonstrate in the 50s that the Mediterranean countries have significantly less coronary heart disease than northern Europe and the USA and that this correlated closely with the diets of people in the Mediterranean region. Consequently, the traditional Mediterranean corresponds to the ideas of dietetics about a preventive diet with its high percentage of fruit, vegetables, cereal products legumes, olive oil and its slight share of animal products. However, an increase of the share of animal products can be detected in the diet of the Mediterranean populations with increasing wealth to the detriment of basic foodstuffs on a vegetable basis and their positive effects. This is reducing the preventive effect of the diet. The dietary situation is also becoming worse in northern Europe, which was already found to be unfavorable in the 60s. The reasons for this development can be found in the substantial socioeconomic changes throughout all of Europe over the past 40 years. A return or reversal to the Mediterranean way of eating would be desirable due to its positive effects. But the strong trend to convenience products and eating out is in opposition to this.