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Original Communication

beta-Carotene is Accumulated, Metabolized, and Possibly Converted to Retinol in Human Breast Carcinoma Cells (MCF-7)

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The aims of the present study were to investigate the uptake, accumulation, and metabolism of beta-carotene by the human breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7. Beta-carotene uptake was time- and dose-dependent, and independent of cell polarity. Beta-carotene accumulation in cells was linear as a function of its concentration in medium (1.3–4.1 mumol/L). It was accompanied by increasing amounts of retinol, which accumulated in cells following a sigmoid pattern, and by other four putative metabolites. Beta-apocarotenals, epoxides, endoperoxides, retinal, retinoic acid, and retinyl esters were not detected in cell extracts. Beta-carotene and its metabolites did not induce alterations in cell morphology or subcellular localization of epithelial mucins. Beta-carotene and retinol were released from cells that had previously accumulated beta-carotene, and were further incubated in beta-carotene- and retinol-free medium, but intracellular retinol content remained constant whereas b-carotene decreased. In conclusion, beta-carotene added to culture medium in physiological concentrations (1–6 mumol/L) is taken up and metabolized in MCF-7 cells, and is possibly converted to retinol.