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Original Communication

Protective Role of Raphanus Sativus Root Extract on Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats

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The methanol extract of Raphanus sativus root extract showed a protective effect on paracetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner. Degree of lipid peroxidation caused by paracetamol was measured in terms of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and protection was measured in reference to serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamate aspartate transaminase (SGPT), and blood and hepatic levels of antioxidants like glutathione and catalase. Administration of extract along with paracetamol showed significant protection. Levels of TBARS were found to be low, activities of SGOT and SGPT were low, while hepatic glutathione levels were significantly higher in experimental rats that received the mixture of paracetamol and the extract as compared to rats that received paracetamol only. Activities of catalase were also high in all experimental groups. Thus this study indicates the involvement of Raphanus sativus root extract with antioxidants like glutathione and catalase in rendering protection against paracetamol-induced lipid peroxidation and hepatotoxicity.