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Original Communications

Anti-Diabetic Activity of a Mineraloid Isolate, in vitro and in Genetically Diabetic Mice

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Type II diabetes is a metabolic disease mediated through multiple molecular pathways. Here, we report anti-diabetic effect of a standardized isolate from a fossil material - a mineraloid leonardite - in in vitro tests and in genetically diabetic mice. The mineraloid isolate stimulated mitochondrial metabolism in human fibroblasts and this stimulation correlated with enhanced expression of genes coding for mitochondrial proteins such as ATP synthases and ribosomal protein precursors, as measured by DNA microarrays. In the diabetic animal model, consumption of the Totala isolate resulted in decreased weight gain, blood glucose, and glycated hemoglobin. To our best knowledge, this is the first description ever of a fossil material having anti-diabetic activity in pre-clinical models.