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  • Clemson, L., Fiatarone Singh, M. A., Bundy, A., Cumming, R. G., Manollaras, K., O’Loughlin, P. & Black, D. (2012). Integration of balance and strength training into daily life activity to reduce rate of falls in older people (the LiFE study): Randomised parallel trial. BMJ, 345, e4547. CrossrefGoogle Scholar

  • Weber, M., Belala, N., Clemson, L., Boulton, E., Hawley-Hague, H., Becker, C. & Schwenk, M. (2017). Feasibility and effectiveness of intervention programmes integrating functional exercise into daily life of older adults: A systematic review. Gerontology, 64, 172 – 187. CrossrefGoogle Scholar