Background: Research shows that there is a high prevalence of suicide among nurses. Despite this, it has been 15 years since the last literature review on the subject was published. Aim: The aim of this article is to review the knowledge currently available on the risk of suicide among nurses and on contributory risk factors. Method: A search was conducted in electronic databases using keywords related to prevalence and risk factors of suicide among nurses. The abstracts were analyzed by reviewers according to selection criteria. Selected articles were submitted to a full-text review and their key elements were summarized. Results: Only nine articles were eligible for inclusion in this review. The results of this literature review highlight both the troubling high prevalence of suicide among nurses as well as the persistent lack of studies that examine this issue. Conclusion: Considering that the effects of several factors related to nurses' work and work settings are associated with high stress, distress, or psychiatric problems, we highlight the relevance of investigating work-related factors associated with nurses' risk of suicide. Several avenues for future studies are discussed as well as possible research methods.
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