“Breaking the Silence” Suicide Prevention Media Campaign in Oregon, April 7–14, 2019
Content Analysis of Broadcast, Print and Online Media Items, and Social Media Footprint
Abstract:Background: Between April 7 and 14, 2019, the “Breaking the Silence” media engagement campaign was launched in Oregon. Aims: We aimed to assess the consistency of media content related to the campaign with media guidelines and the quantitative footprint on Twitter (now X) over time. Method: Media items related to the campaign were analyzed regarding focus and consistency with media guidelines for suicide reporting and compared with other suicide-related reports published in the same time frame, as well as with reporting in Washington, the control region. Tweets related to the campaign were retrieved to assess the social media footprint. Results: There were n = 104 media items in the campaign month, mainly in the campaign week. Items typically used a narrative featuring suicide advocacy or policy/prevention programs. As compared to other items with a similar focus, they scored better on several protective characteristics listed in media recommendations. Stories of coping with adversity, however, were scarce. The social media footprint on Twitter was small. Limitations: Inability to make causal claims about campaign impact. Conclusion: Media items from the Breaking the Silence campaign appeared mainly consistent with media guidelines, but some aspects, such as stories of recovery, were under-represented.
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