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Web-Based Versus Paper-Pencil Assessment of Behavioral Problems Using the Youth Self-Report

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Abstract. This is the first study investigating the use of a web-based version of the Youth Self-Report (YSR) compared to paper-pencil (PP) assessment. Students aged 10–18 years were recruited from Austrian schools and either completed a PP (N = 841) or a web-based (N = 2,769) version. Psychometric properties and indicators of data quality were analyzed. Moreover, cost estimations for the web-based and PP assessments were given. Acceptable model fits (RMSEA < .05) of the 8-syndrome model were observed for both versions and measurement invariance testing revealed strong invariance between both formats. While there was no significant difference in the number of missing items, a slightly higher proportion of web-based datasets were analyzable (97.7% vs. 93.7%). A larger amount of information was provided in the open-ended questions in the web-based version (p < .001). Mean problem scores were equivalent, with the exception of the thought problems syndrome scale in which a slightly higher score was observed in the web-based version (p < .001). In our study, the web-based format reduced costs by 72% compared to the PP format. Our findings suggest that large web-based epidemiological surveys are cost-efficient, can be applied without the risk of disadvantages compared to PP assessments and might be superior regarding some aspects of data quality.


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