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Work Resilience Scale

Evidence of Psychometric Validity Among Chinese Employees

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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the psychometric properties of the WRS-C (Work Resilience Scale – Chinese version) through two studies. In Study 1 (Sample 1: N = 463), we conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and identified the two-factor solution representing work resilience after translating the Work Resilience Scale (WRS) into Chinese. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of the WRS-C were investigated in two samples (Sample 2: N = 477; Sample 3: N = 374). The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirms a two-factor structure. Furthermore, the WRS-C shows measurement invariance across groups by gender, age, job tenure, and education level. Furthermore, the results provide evidence for the convergent and concurrent validity of the WRS-C. In addition, its predictive validity has been demonstrated through its associations with mental health outcomes, performance outcomes, and attitude outcomes. Overall, the WRS-C is a reliable and valid instrument in the Chinese context, which can be utilized in future research and practice.


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