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The Critical Challenge of Climate Change for Psychology

Preventing Rebound and Promoting More Individual Irrationality

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For many societies, the prime political strategy for mitigating climate change has been to improve the efficiency of technology (e.g., cars, light bulbs, and refrigerators). However, World Bank data suggest that the per-capita energy consumption of societies is leveling off rather than falling. Thus, all efficiency gains are apparently eaten up by rebound. In our psychological account of this ubiquitous rebound phenomenon, we argue that individual consumption is genuinely rational (i.e., benefit-oriented) and grounded in an unlimited number of personal ends (i.e., goals and desires). Behavior and technology – the latter as an amplifier of individual behavior – are means for satisfying personal ends. Predictably, any gains in efficiency as evidenced by savings of time and/or money will be reinvested in further as-yet-unmet personal ends of individuals. Consequently, rebound is the norm and not the exception. The challenge to psychologists is thus, as we argue in this article, to motivate individuals to act comparatively more irrationally (by generally forgoing personal benefits), and by doing so, to eventually reduce the overall energy consumption of societies. Only when people are intrinsically motivated to forgo commodities, convenience, and other personal benefits can rebound be avoided.

As the anthropogenic origins of climate change are increasingly acknowledged, the hopes of many have been focused on increasing the efficiency of technology. In 2008, the European Union, for example, set three demanding targets to be met by 2020 known as 20-20-20: (a) reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% relative to 1990, (b) raising the percentage of renewable energies in the overall energy mix to at least 20%, and (c) reducing the overall consumption of energy by 20% by improving energy efficiency (Commission of the European Communities, 2008). Technological improvements in energy efficiency are thus critical for the entire strategy.

At least since the millennium, the environmental strategy of international politics can be described as an effort to reduce energy consumption (and with it CO2 emissions) by increasing the efficiency of various technologies. Unfortunately, a standstill is presumably the fairest description of the most recent 20-year trend for some industrial nations that already show comparatively high per-capita energy consumption (see Figure 1 ); especially striking is the lack of movement in the European Union, and in Germany in particular, because the European Union is even more committed to energy-efficiency policies than other political bodies. Despite its efforts, the European Union has apparently not been significantly more successful in reversing the trend in consumption than, for example, Japan, the USA, or China. World Bank data led us – in accordance with the latest World Energy Outlook (International Energy Agency [IEA], 2011) – to conclude that pursuing technological efficiency is not sufficient for reducing the energy consumption of individuals.

Figure 1. Per-capita energy consumption in metric tons of oil equivalent (data source: The World Bank online: – retrieved August 25, 2011).

The long-term trends of the per-capita energy consumption data in Figure 1 speak of efficiency gains that, in order to result in the absence of decline shown in Figure 1, must have been offset by additional energy expenditures. This very phenomenon – that efficiency sparks additional energy expenditures – has been baptized Jevons Paradox, and its extent is conventionally estimated as a rebound effect (e.g., Sorrell & Dimitropoulos, 2008). Figure 1 shows that increases in energy efficiency have thus far failed to reduce the energy consumption of societies. Hence, overall, the extent of the society-wide rebound has never been less than 100%.

In line with the political focus on efficiency, psychologists too, advocate promoting more efficient technologies rather than curtailing the use of technology (e.g., Stern, 2000a). Again, the bottom line is that proponents of technological improvements – in terms of efficiency and of the behavioral adoption of such technology – believe that these measures have the efficacy to significantly reduce the overall energy consumption of societies. Contrary to this belief, we argue that technological efficiency measures alone will not and cannot lead to any desired reduction in the energy consumption of a society. This is because of the motivational makeup of individuals.1 Individuals do not really save their efficiency gains, but rather, metaphorically speaking, they reinvest their savings in the attainment of more and further personal ends to satisfy more and further personal needs with the help of technology – and the use of technology involves the consumption of energy.

In our paper, we will first provide a psychological account of the seemingly surprising rebound phenomenon in the per-capita energy consumption of societies. We will offer evidence for why we believe that energy efficiency is insufficient for producing substantial energy savings in individual consumers. And we will argue that rebound is ultimately rooted in the motivational makeup of humans, which is benefit-oriented, or stated differently, rational.2 From such a rational-choice perspective, behavior and technology have to be personally advantageous and beneficial; otherwise they will not manifest (e.g., Ajzen & Fishbein, 2005). Thus, technology has the same function for people as behavior itself, and people use technology either to amplify the efficiency of their behaviors or to increase their personal benefits. By freeing up resources such as time and money, gains in technological efficiency unavoidably spark further consumption by serving the as-yet-unmet personal ends of individuals.

In the second section of this paper, we will have a look at how behavior change is implemented in environmental psychology to advance environmental protection and the energy conservation of individuals. As we will explain, steering individual behavior by means of creating extrinsic reasons for action (e.g., financial incentives, social pressure, gains in social reputation) are not real options when we wish to overcome the rebound phenomenon. They only make people secure their personal resources (e.g., time and money) in their quest to meet personal ends. Inevitably, extrinsic reasons cannot induce people to intrinsically aim to conserve energy; in the worst-case scenario, extrinsic reasons in the form of financial enticements even provide people with additional means for further consumption.

In the third section, we will argue that the propensity to act irrationally makes people forgo personal convenience and other amenities to eventually reduce their energy consumption. Promoting people’s propensity to act irrationally is, thus, the only valid option for the change needed. Only when people are willing to forgo commodities, convenience, and other personal advantages can rebound be avoided, as people will start to lead comparatively frugal lives. Hence, the question arises: Can such, by comparison, irrational lifestyles be promoted psychologically so that efficiency gains are not eaten up by rebound?

Obstinate Energy Consumption Even in Energy-Efficient Societies

In this section, we outline why we believe that energy efficiency is insufficient for producing substantial energy savings in individual consumers and subsequently in societies as a whole. First, we argue for a ubiquitous phenomenon – even in societies dedicated to energy efficiency – that leads efficiency to be fully offset by an increase in consumption. This very lack of decline in the per-capita energy consumption of a society depicted in Figure 1 is what we call the society-wide rebound phenomenon. Even in the best of cases – when consumption levels off, such as in Germany or in the European Union – a 100% rebound or an offset of all efficiency improvements is evidently the standard.

Rebound that occurs after introducing a specific technology or service is conventionally called an effect rather than a phenomenon (see, e.g., Hertwich, 2005). However, as there is no single but rather a collection of attempts to explain any one of the many such effects described in the literature (see, e.g., Santarius, 2012), it seems more fitting to refer to this occurrence as a phenomenon that still awaits a proper explanation. In the following, we will summarize some of the contemporary discussions of rebound that can be found in the literature; second, we will offer the most generic drivers behind the energy consumption of individuals; and third, we will present the two culprits for the occurrence of rebound: freed assets of time and money.

Offsetting Increasingly Efficient Technologies

Because of its efficiency improvements, a most impressive example of rebound has been produced by information and communications technology (ICT). For several decades now, processors have doubled their efficiency every 18 months (Koomey, Berard, Sanchez, & Wong, 2011). If efficiency were to reduce energy consumption, one would expect rather dramatic energy savings. However, by contrast, energy consumption with efficiency improvements in ICT has increased and is expected to grow at an annual rate of up to 12% (Vereecken, Van Heddeghem, Colle, Pickavet, & Demeester, 2010). Obviously, efficiency gains have created further uses for ICT, and they have also resulted in – due to efficiency-related price reductions – more people using ICT; together, these increases have in turn obstructed actual energy conservation.

A similar instance of rebound that has drawn further unanticipated consumption – through the expanded use of products or services intended to reduce the consumption of energy after the adoption of more efficient products or services – can also be found at the level of individual households. Conservative estimates of this so-called direct rebound in the individual consumption of households range from 0% to 60% with an average of about 30% (e.g., Sorrell, Dimitropoulos, & Sommerville, 2009). Because estimates of direct rebound are usually based on usage data, they often appear to be lower than 100%. However, efficiency can also spark demands for goods, services, and, ultimately, for energy in multiple rather indirect ways as well (cf. Hertwich, 2005). Financial gains through more efficient house insulation can, for instance, be reinvested in extra holiday trips (Herring & Roy, 2007). Most of these indirect rebound effects are even more difficult to estimate than the direct effects, particularly for individuals. Breaking energy expenditure down to the level of the individual thus seems to provide a straightforward approach for appraising the overall amount of rebound from all of the technological and political steps taken by a society to reduce its energy consumption. Based on such per-capita consumption data from various societies, the evidence from the World Bank data suggests a society-wide rebound of at least 100% (see Figure 1).

To approximate the consequences of adopting more energy-efficient technology and implementing specific ecological behavior (e.g., switching from owning a car to car sharing), Alfredsson (2004) presented several scenarios – distinct in their overall levels of energy consumption – to 1,104 Swedish households. He concluded from the responses that, in the short term, some reduction in energy consumption might be possible. Unfortunately, he further anticipated that these gains would eventually be compensated for by a general consumption increase, which basically leads to the same bleak conclusion that we drew from Figure 1. Efficiency measures are ineffective in reducing the per-capita energy consumption of societies because they promote consumption by simultaneously freeing up the two resources of time and money. In the next section, we will provide an account of the apparently inevitable rebound phenomenon that comes with more efficient technology.

Drivers of Individual Energy Consumption

To identify the drivers of people’s energy consumption, we have to answer the question of why people use technology. We thus have to understand people’s generic motivation. Traditionally, in psychology, a rational-choice logic is adopted in which the anticipation of benefits makes a person choose a certain behavior. By this logic, people are thought of as – in the form of behavioral inclinations (see footnote 1) – being goal-directed and benefit-oriented, and hence, they aim to achieve personal ends and act for personal benefits (e.g., Ajzen & Fishbein, 2005; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Hsee, Hastie, & Chen, 2008). More precisely, when a person engages in a behavior (e.g., doing chores, going to work, improving thermal comfort, or having an unforgettable evening), a surplus in benefits for the actor is presumed; otherwise, a behavioral alternative would occur. Accordingly, behavior change results from the opportunity to gain additional benefits.

As behavior can be ameliorated by technology, the preference for using a particular technology is correspondingly grounded in the same rationality. Take, for instance, lifting weights: Compare the meager 100 kilograms a strong man can lift with the 1,000 metric tons the same guy can hoist with a crane – an efficiency gain of 10,000. The ubiquitous presence of technological devices speaks not only of their generic utility for people but also of the idea that technologically ameliorated behaviors are commonly of superior utility when compared with plain behavior. Thus, and in line with Midden, Kaiser, and McCalley (2007), we see technology as able to amplify the effectiveness of behavior. For instance, commuting by car as opposed to walking to work can be a way to increase convenience (e.g., by providing a few more minutes of sleep, shelter from the weather, or safety). As each person individually recognizes a technology’s characteristics, he or she also individually appreciates the costs and benefits that are derived from these characteristics. For people who prefer cars, velocity and convenience obviously outweigh its financial costs. Hence, the choice of a particular technology is presumably motivated by as many reasons as there are people.

Motivation, however, resides in our biological makeup (see Bischof, 1985). Thus, we should also recognize behavior as being more or less biologically functional (e.g., Dawkins, 1976). Figuratively speaking, as any behavior unavoidably carries costs, the struggle for survival and reproduction induces an individual to act in a cost-sensitive manner (see, e.g., Jackson, 2002). Any reduction in behavioral costs associated with attaining a specific goal (e.g., finding food) leads to a relative advantage through the personal resources that are saved (e.g., time or physical energy) and that are left available to tackle other not-yet-attained behavioral objectives (e.g., finding a mate). The failure to use technology that either reduces behavioral costs or increases personal returns (e.g., by increasing convenience) would be irrational from this point of view.

Reducing behavioral costs and increasing behavioral efficacy are processes that have brought forward an extreme variety of morphological features and behavioral strategies in plants and animals; this is obviously the essence of evolution. A woodpecker’s beak, for instance, makes picking insects and grubs from trees highly effective and, thus, is comparatively more efficient than the beaks of other birds for those purposes. The same biological functionality predictably underlies human behavior as well. If we, as human beings, can attain our goals more efficiently (e.g., getting to work more quickly and conveniently), we will probably do so. Given its biological functionality, it would be surprising if there was no human propensity to seek behavioral efficiency and, as a consequence, to substitute less efficient behaviors with more efficient ones.3 Note that increasing behavioral efficiency is basically identical to reducing behavioral costs.

In summary, from a motivational perspective, people use technology because technology is useful for meeting personal ends. Technology amplifies the effectiveness of behavior, and by doing so, it improves a behavior’s benefits. From an evolutionary perspective, technology – as is true for all efficiency gains in behavior – increases the benefits of human behavior by reducing behavioral costs. Motivationally, we should anticipate that humans have a propensity to generally opt for more efficient behavioral options that involve reduced behavioral costs. As technology is an extremely powerful means for simultaneously ameliorating effectiveness and efficiency, we expect that people will – ceteris paribus – be generically inclined to adopt more efficient technology because it increases the benefits of whatever people do to attain their goals. As we will see next, due to a virtually endless number of individual ends that are constantly ready to accommodate extra time and money, increasingly efficient technology inevitably results in rebound in the energy consumption of individuals.

Time and Money Constraints on Consumption

As increasing efficiency implies that technology fulfills its function more quickly and/or at a smaller price, increasing efficiency necessarily involves freeing two of the most crucial resources required to realize any personal goal: time and money. Both time (by its 24 hr rhythm) and money (as even a billionaire is limited to his or her particular amount of money) are genuinely constrained for all of us. If a person wishes to realize not-yet-attained or new personal goals, extra time and money are, thus, essential. By improving the efficiency of technology, individual time and money constraints are concomitantly lifted as well. Predictably, such savings in terms of time and money are normally reinvested into not-yet-attained personal goals. Hence, savings of time and money will eventually lead to more energy consumption.

Illumination, for example, has a long and most impressive history of improving efficiency. In comparison to candles, oil lamps, and gaslights, modern light bulbs are 700 times more efficient (Fouquet & Pearson, 2006). At the same time, people spend a fixed proportion of money for illumination irrespective of historical period or cultural tradition (e.g., Tsao & Waide, 2010). By contrast, the per-capita consumption of lumen-hours is now 6,500 times of what it once was (Herring & Roy, 2007). People have obviously had and will presumably continue to have additional uses for light, which spurs consumption as soon as light becomes cheaper (e.g., illuminating more rooms, leaving lights on, extending street lighting), which in turn depends on more efficient illumination technology. Obviously, efficiency gains in terms of energy – and, hence, in terms of time and money – may be saved because energy consumption is constrained by time and money. These gains in efficiency will probably not be saved in the long run, however, because people are greatly intrinsically motivated to avoid using energy (Midden et al., 2007). Without such an inclination to save energy, we have to expect that there will constantly be another not-yet-attained further personal goal that will take advantage of the savings in terms of time and money and, thus, that increasingly efficient technology will inevitably create rebound in the energy consumption of individuals.

In the next section, we will turn to contemporary approaches for managing actors. As we will see, environmental psychologists primarily rely on interventions that are aimed at rational human beings who are generically inclined to optimize their benefits. Based on incentives, psychologists design enticements that allow for the reduction of undesirable behavior, such as commuting by car. By disregarding the motivational consequences of enticements, psychologists run the considerable risk that their interventions, even with the best of their intentions, will only add to rebound rather than contribute to an effective reduction in the overall consumption of energy.

Approaches to Managing Rational Actors4

As people by and large opt for the behavior with comparatively greater benefits, behavior change can be instigated by changing the ratio between the benefits of the desired but not-yet-engaged-in behavior and the benefits of the undesired but engaged-in behavior. To promote behavior, we can, thus, either remove impediments (e.g., the unavailability of curbside recycling) or we can add benefits (e.g., carpool lanes or refunds on bottles; see, e.g., Gifford, 2011; Steg & Vlek, 2009). Undeniably, both of these measures can be effective. A free public-transportation pass, for example, made participants abandon their cars (Thøgersen & Møller, 2008). Environmental psychologists steeped in learning theory correspondingly assume that behavior change follows from facilitating behavior by either reducing its costs (as negative reinforcements) or by adding benefits (as positive reinforcements; e.g., Geller, 2002). Importantly, psychologists commonly target one specific behavior at a time (e.g., McKenzie-Mohr, 2000; Stern, 2000b).

In this section, we will summarize behavior-change approaches that have already been applied in contemporary environmental psychology to advance individuals’ energy conservation. We argue that psychology’s focus on promoting the adoption of specific energy-efficient technologies in combination with the usual practice of employing extrinsic enticements will not result in an effective and lasting reduction in the energy consumption of societies. We believe this strategy carries the risk of backfiring in the form of rebound because rational actors will reinvest their extra time and money into more and further consumption to realize additional personal benefits.

Managing Through Enticements

Whereas direct payment to promote behavior is rare in environmental psychology, monetary enticements are omnipresent in commerce (i.e., providing free access to products or services) and in administration (i.e., subsidizing solar panels or providing a refund for beverage cans). Despite its undeniable effectiveness, monetary enticements come with several shortcomings: They are expensive, must be protected against exploitation, and seem to carry the potential of undermining – due to overjustification – an already existing intrinsic propensity to protect the environment and to save energy to name a few (e.g., De Young, 2000; Lehman & Geller, 2004). Not surprisingly, alternative enticements to advance specific behaviors have become more popular in environmental psychology.

As it turns out, ecological behavior can also be promoted by benefits that are grounded in people’s social motives (e.g., Joule, Girandola, & Bernard, 2007). Such social enticements involve the prospect of public praise, gains in reputation and status, and avoidance of repercussions. By complying with a particular social norm, people can either avoid behavioral costs (i.e., repercussions and embarrassment) or hope for additional personal benefits (i.e., praise and prestige). By providing feedback on what others do (descriptive norms) and on what is seen as the proper behavior (injunctive norms), Schultz and his colleagues successfully increased the household recycling rate and the reuse of towels by hotel guests (Schultz, 1999; Schultz, Khazian, & Zaleski, 2008). People can also be bound to certain courses of action (saving electrical energy, reducing mileage, etc.) by making promises in public (e.g., Joule et al., 2007). Apparently, a publicly signed contract binds people to honor the contract as they seem to wish to avoid the bad social reputation that comes with hypocrisy – the practice of committing oneself to a course of action without actually implementing it (e.g., Dickerson, Thibodeau, Aronson, & Miller, 1992).

Almost counterintuitively, people have also been found to draw personal benefits from wasting money. This can happen when a person engages in a socially approved (e.g., ecological) but challenging (e.g., due to financial costs) behavior. By foregoing personal benefits (i.e., spending extra money) for the ecological alternative (e.g., a hybrid car), people simultaneously express both affluence or social standing and concern for the environment and, thus, selflessness and altruism (Griskevicius, Tybur, & van den Bergh, 2010). If there were no extra personal benefits involved, conspicuous ecological consumption (i.e., simultaneously showcasing affluence and selflessness) would be irrational as it involves extra financial costs. But high social status can pay off by helping a person to procure higher wages, more advantageous deals and contracts, or access to certain social circles (see Griskevicius et al., 2010). Conspicuous ecological consumption, however, allows a person to gain prestige and social status only when the behavior and its ecological and monetary significance are noticed by others.

The Limits of Managing Through Enticements

Managing individual action with enticements comes with a big shortcoming: People engage in the act for extrinsic reasons (i.e., because they wish to obtain the incentive) rather than because the behavior is a means for attaining an intrinsic personal energy-saving goal or a personal environmental protection goal (e.g., Geller, 2002). By controlling actions via enticements, we merely counterbalance the personal benefits of specific undesirable behaviors. Accordingly, the behavioral promotion works only as long as the enticement remains in place (e.g., Bolderdijk, Knockaert, Steg, & Verhoef, 2011; Thøgersen & Møller, 2008; see also Abrahamse, Steg, Vlek, & Rothengatter, 2005). Thus, financial incentives, social expectations, or gains in social reputation are not real options when we wish to create lasting change in individuals and societies, and when we truly aim to conserve energy and, ultimately, to protect the environment. Even worse, by loosening the constraints on time and money, extrinsic reasons for saving energy backfire because they spark further consumption.

Carpool lanes to bypass traffic jams and the use of high-speed trains save travel time. Subsidies, rebates, merchandise coupons, and technological renewal (e.g., insulating homes) save money. And because individuals are not more intrinsically motivated to save energy, to engage in protecting the environment, and to waive personal resources, the extra time and extra money will likely be reinvested in the additional consumption of goods and services as a virtually endless number of personal ends are ready to take over. Expectedly, Fujii and Ohta (2010) found that the financial savings in fuel gained by owners of fuel-efficient cars backfired in the form of increased driving. Although such a direct rebound is rarely documented in psychology, indirect rebound via more consumption – due to an unaltered intrinsic motivation and an increase in leisure time or extra money – should be expected. In summary, the environmental psychology strategy that is often recommended as most effective at reducing the energy consumption of societies – the promotion of energy-efficient technology (e.g., Gardner & Stern, 2008; Oskamp, 2000; Stern, 2000a) – in combination with extrinsic enticements will probably spark rather than diminish the overall energy consumption of individuals.

As a consequence, we argue in this article that only when people are genuinely more intrinsically motivated to forgo commodities, convenience, and personal advantages for the collective good (i.e., environmental protection) can rebound be avoided; only then will people save energy for good. Thus, promoting the propensity to waive personal benefits, to generally act irrationally (by engaging in behavior that holds comparatively – relative to an alternative behavior – more costs or fewer benefits) and by doing so to eventually reduce the overall energy consumption of a society is the real challenge for psychology. Next, we will describe what we mean by an irrational lifestyle, and we will ask the question: Can an irrational lifestyle be promoted so that efficiency gains are not eaten up as rebound?

Promoting Individual Irrationality

Apparently, the critical challenge here is to motivate individuals to stop utilizing time and money savings for further consumption.5 The prime question is: How can we motivate people to act irrationally and forgo personal benefits, and how can we encourage people to abstain from furthering their personal assets so that their energy consumption is eventually reduced? For economists, these questions are presumably oxymorons; for them, behavior is genuinely rational – without exception: Any behavior will, after a reward (i.e., after increasing its benefits), become more likely and, after a fine (i.e., after increasing its costs), less likely. In the following, we argue that only when persons are intrinsically motivated to forgo benefits (e.g., commodities and convenience) will we eventually succeed in reducing the per-capita energy consumption of societies. First, we summarize evidence that speaks of the existence of such a propensity to act irrationally by waiving personal advantages. Second, we provide evidence that behavior that appears to be irrational might nevertheless draw some psychological benefits. Third and finally, we speculate about how this propensity to waive personal advantages and to abstain from consumption could most likely be promoted.

Propensity for Waiving Personal Benefits

People’s lifestyles, including their consumption patterns, are mainly driven by personal benefit-oriented and, thus, genuinely rational considerations (e.g., Kenrick et al., 2009). These patterns by and large lead to environmental deterioration and resource depletion. According to Hardin (1968), environmental deterioration stems from people’s self-interested quests to secure all sorts of benefits, simultaneously undermining the energy and environmental conservation that are needed for the greater good of all. Thus, to a large degree, environmentalism can be equated with people’s propensity to waive personal advantages and to forgo personal amenities and commodities.

If a person was not dedicated to environmental protection, why would that person abstain from comfort, for example, commuting by bike in inclement weather or accepting less thermal comfort at home, giving money that could be spent otherwise to environmental organizations, and forfeiting amenities such as clothes dryers, cars, and extra lamps? Conversely, when the slightest inconvenience, discomfort, or extra expenditure in energy-efficient appliances is enough to stop a person from taking behavioral steps to save energy, the person’s intrinsic motivation to protect the environment is probably weak.

Environmentalists forgo all sorts of personal advantages: They drive and fly less, are more likely vegetarians and members of environmental organizations, possess fuel-efficient cars, and contribute financially to environmental organizations (e.g., Kaiser & Wilson, 2004). In other words, a person’s intrinsic motivation to protect the environment can be inferred directly from his or her lifestyle6 – the behavioral means a person engages in to implement his or her level of motivation to protect the environment. The extent of that motivation in turn can be depicted as the likelihood of engaging in the entire range of protection-relevant ecological behaviors (cf. Kaiser, Byrka, & Hartig, 2010).

Remarkably however, environmentalists – persons who are intrinsically motivated to protect the environment – have been found to waive personal advantages not only in the form of amenities but in general with respect to all kinds of prosocial outcomes. For example, environmentalists relative to the general public are more benevolent, helpful, and cooperative (Kaiser & Byrka, 2011); this shows in the fact that environmentalists are more likely to volunteer for psychological experiments and to generally cooperate more with others in social dilemma games (the main effect in Figure 2 ). Additionally, environmentalists also forgo personal amenities (the interaction effect in Figure 2) by demanding significantly less power (see arrow in Figure 2) than what they were socially entitled to (indicated by the “line of social justice”). Not only has this effect been found in an aggregated form, averaged across the 10 rounds of the social dilemma game, but also, Kaiser et al. (2010) found that environmentalists forfeited personal entitlements from the start – from the first round of the game – if they were playing for power rather than for mere points. Waiving personal advantages – in this case, demanding less power than rightfully allowed – is irrational and understandable only when we know that we are dealing with environmentalists (cf. Hardin, 1968).

Figure 2. Irrational forfeiting of personal benefits as a function of people’s environmentalism and of the ecological relevance of the common resource. Note that the “line of social justice” indicates a person’s fair share in a social dilemma game; the common resource is either ecologically irrelevant (i.e., points) or relevant (i.e., power in kilowatt). Irrationality – defined as foregoing benefits by individual actors – shows in confidence intervals that do not cross the “line of social justice” (which literally reveals waived personal advantages).

Social dilemmas are situations in which people’s long-term best interests are at odds with their personal benefit orientation (e.g., Kollock, 1998); these dilemmas normally involve two unfavorable outcomes: the destruction of the commons (in this case the environment) and the forfeiting of personal benefits. One can reasonably expect repudiation of the benefit orientation when environmentalists are involved, when forfeiting personal advantages is the lesser of the two concerns. Accordingly, Kaiser and Byrka (2011) corroborated that environmentalism represents a propensity to waive personal advantages (i.e., amenities, conveniences, and other commodities), to engage in a comparatively frugal lifestyle, which is also how we understand the cartoon in Figure 3 . As forfeiting advantages is – from a functional point of view (see Footnote 2) – irrational; thus, the question arises: Is there a good reason for environmentalists to do so?

Figure 3. Environmentalism (e.g., forgoing thermal comfort) as a virtue for life. Calvin and Hobbes © 1996 Watterson. Dist. by UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Personal Gains From Being Irrational

In many cultures, natural environments provide the backdrop for recreation, entertainment, and an escape from daily demands. Thus, appreciation for and the recreational use of nature has been found to be a motivational source for environmental conservation (e.g., Hartig, Kaiser, & Bowler, 2001; Kellert, 2002). When recreational use is absent, by contrast, some suspect that environmental destruction will result (see, e.g., Kellert, 2002). By the same logic, environmental organizations have long sought to build support for environmental protection efforts by drawing people into pristine natural environments. Apparently, a personal appreciation of nature is expected to arise from using nature for recreational, restorative, and other purposes related to various personally pleasurable and gratifying experiences in nature (for some tentative evidence, see Roczen, Duvier, Bogner, & Kaiser, 2012).

In environmental psychology, the generic phenomenon of using nature, seeing personal benefits in using nature, and appreciating nature is echoed in various, apparently distinct conceptualizations. Whereas some presume that people hold an emotional connection with nature (Mayer & Frantz, 2004), others speak of the role the natural environment plays in a person’s identity or self-concept (e.g., Clayton, 2003). Still others describe differences in appreciation as reflected in a mixture of both affective and cognitive constituents (e.g., Nisbet, Zelenski, & Murphy, 2009). By shifting the emphasis to plain appreciation and recreational uses of nature, Brügger, Kaiser, and Roczen (2011) essentially captured the same propensity that other scholars have sought to measure with different concepts. Nevertheless, and in line with laypersons’ expectations, the extent to which nature is appreciated has been repeatedly found to be positively and substantially (r ≥ .50) related to ecological behavior and, thus, to acting comparatively irrationally (e.g., Clayton, 2003; Hinds & Sparks, 2008; Kaiser, Hartig, Brügger, & Duvier, 2013; Mayer & Frantz, 2004).

Such a substantial correlation suggests that people are, to some extent, willing to forgo personal advantages in exchange for the benefits they gain from nature. At first, this appears to be a rational trade-off. Securing access to the natural environment to secure the benefits that come from using nature, however, is not rational at all. This is because the immediate personal benefit from, for example, financially contributing to an environmental organization is close to zero, as the donation will draw a financial loss, and will probably result in no benefit to the benefactor’s own natural surroundings. In other words, the consequences of ecological behavior for nature are generally too remote – in time or in space – to contribute to the benefactor’s personal advantage. In the last section, we turn to preventing rebound by promoting lifestyles that seem, by comparison, irrational because they involve forgoing commodities and other personal advantages by not redeeming the savings of money and time gleaned from energy-efficient technologies.

Irrationality to Prevent Rebound

In line with Hardin (1968), a democratic society could, of course, coerce its citizens into less consumption by restricting the per-capita amount of energy that is made available to the society at large. The potential problem with this approach is, to use Hardin’s words, to obtain mutual agreement about the compulsory measure by “the majority of the people affected” (p. 1,248). If compulsory measures are unlikely to be implemented, however, trend reversal becomes possible only if citizens can be convinced to consent to a society-wide policy that involves amending their lifestyles so that they become more irrational: for example, by accepting higher prices for energy so that consumption becomes more expensive and, thus, is less likely to occur. In other words, the best we can hope for is to gain democratic approval for forming a “self-directed” (i.e., intrinsically motivated) waiving of personal advantages.

We already know that the intrinsic motivation to protect the environment and, thus, to waive personal benefits is remarkably stable over time. Across a period of 2 years, Kaiser, Brügger, Hartig, Bogner, and Gutscher (2013) found almost no spontaneous change in individuals’ intrinsic motivation to protect the environment. This absence of spontaneous change makes it clear that we are in need of knowledge about how to promote irrationality in individuals. Unfortunately, we do not know much about the formation of intrinsic motivation to protect the environment and to implement somewhat irrational lifestyles. For example, we are unaware of any study in psychology thus far that has been able to experimentally advance people’s intrinsic motivation to protect the environment.

We suspect that amending lifestyles and, thus, consumption patterns, presumably implies the need for a long-term strategy in which a prominent role is played by people’s appreciation and recreational uses of nature, and information provision (e.g., in the form of consumption feedback and/or education). Despite some encouraging first model tests (see, e.g., Roczen, Kaiser, Bogner, & Wilson, in press), we still have a long way to go before we can and should sensibly engage in large-scale reformations of people’s propensity to generally act more irrationally.

The Critical Challenge of Climate Change for Psychology

As we have witnessed time and again, extrinsic enticements (e.g., financial incentives, gains in social reputation) are undeniably effective in promoting efficient technology and curtailing the use of technological devices (see, e.g., Abrahamse et al., 2005). Unfortunately, steering individual behavior with extrinsic enticements – with tangible personal benefits – lifts constraints on money and time in people’s lives without enhancing their intrinsic motivation to protect the environment. As we have argued, extra time and money will, thus, be reinvested in people’s quests to meet further personal ends. Inevitably, extra resources will spark further consumption. Therefore, despite their success at promoting behavior, enticements contribute to the rebound problem rather than to its solution.

Only when people become more intrinsically motivated to act irrationally and when saving energy becomes a dominant goal in the lives of individuals will people stop redeeming their savings of time and money in further consumption. In other words, only when people become substantially more intrinsically motivated to protect the environment and save energy will we overcome the rebound phenomenon (see Figure 1) and will the per-capita energy consumption of societies eventually begin to drop. The challenge that we must accept is that rebound can be prevented only by promoting behavioral patterns that reflect greater environmental conservation in individuals – lifestyles that seem irrational because individuals must decide not to redeem their money and time savings from energy-efficient technologies to thus forgo commodities, convenience, amenities, and other personal advantages.

We have only just begun to learn how to promote people’s propensity to waive personal benefits – a reflection of their intrinsic motivation to protect the environment. Next to an appreciation for and the recreational use of nature, environmental knowledge also appears to be a promising avenue for promoting lifestyles and consumption patterns that seem irrational (e.g., Roczen et al., in press). However, we are far from being able to successfully intrinsically motivate people to protect the environment to the level that is necessary to reduce the per-capita energy consumption of societies. For that, we have to engage in a long-term formation strategy for which we need societal consent and more knowledge about effective measures.

Psychology can make a significant contribution to climate change mitigation, and it can help governments attain their energy conservation goals. We should, however, not fool others or ourselves by believing that pain-free solutions (e.g., adopting energy-efficient technological devices) are possible and will do the job. The task of psychology with regard to climate change in the 21st century is to make people abstain from enough personal benefits, commodities, amenities, and convenience so that energy-efficient technology will finally succeed in turning the tide to make our societies’ per-capita energy consumption eventually drop.

Siegmar Otto is a senior researcher in the Department of Personality and Social Psychology at Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. His research interests include sustainable behavior and its potential determinants (e.g., attitude, knowledge, morality, and connectedness to nature), consumer behavior, social dilemmas, policy support, methodology, and evaluation.

Florian G. Kaiser is Professor of Personality and Social Psychology at Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. His research interests include theory and measurement of individual behavior and attitude (particularly with respect to nature conservation and environmental protection), psychological policy support, and large-scale behavior change.

Oliver Arnold is pursuing a PhD in the Department of Personality and Social Psychology at Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany. His research aims at exploring the influence of environmental attitudes on the efficacy of information interventions and technological efficiency innovations in reducing private households’ energy consumption.

1In psychology, motivation often refers to the personal ends, such as maximizing positive and minimizing negative experiences – and to the processes and choice strategies – behind people’s preferences for specific actions (see, e.g., Hsee, Hastie, & Chen, 2008). Alternatively, motivation occasionally also refers to behavioral propensities that characterize performance differences across an entire behavioral domain (see, e.g., Bischof, 1985). Such a propensity is presumed to represent a biologically significant class of behaviors (e.g., sustenance or altruism). Behavioral propensities are expected to represent – implicit – personal inclinations derived from factual performance differences in a behavioral domain (cf. Kaiser, Byrka, & Hartig, 2010). Personal ends, by contrast, typically represent – often subjectively accessible – accounts that justify singular decisions. In this article, motivation (i.e., having more or less of a benefit orientation) exclusively refers to individual differences in a behavioral propensity. As such, individual differences in behavioral propensities represent rather fundamental inclinations that might – as a form of motivational bias – also trigger individual decisions (see Hsee et al., 2008).

2Note that there are two distinct notions of rationality that are common in psychology. They can be linked to two types of scientific explanations: a logical (i.e., law, rule, or principle-based) one and a functional one. Rational in the first sense indicates a certain ideal way of processing information. The rationale behind this first notion of rationality is veracity (i.e., veracious recognition of reality or correct processing of information). A prototypical example for this use of the term rationality is Gerd Gigerenzer and Reinhard Selten’s renowned Bounded Rationality (2002). Apparent from the book title, there is no notion of irrationality within this definition of rationality as one can only but depart from the ideal and, thus, be less (i.e., in a bounded way) rational. Rational in the second sense is outcome-oriented rather than process-oriented. It means aligning one’s behavior with what is biologically functional (i.e., behavior with a fitness benefit). Based on this second notion, one calls a course of action rational when it holds more benefits than costs for an actor. The rationale behind this notion of rationality is the augmentation of survival and, ultimately, biological reproduction. A prototypical example of this use of rationality in psychology is Douglas T. Kenrick and Vladas Griskevicius’ The Rational Animal (2013). Irrationality can be defined within this latter functional definition. A behavior is irrational when it provides comparatively – relative to an alternative behavior – more costs or fewer benefits (i.e., when it results in a relative fitness handicap) for an individual actor. The typical example of this is what biologists call altruistic or selfless behavior (see, e.g., Bischof, 1985). In our paper, when we describe behavioral propensities as more or less irrational, it is because they seem so from a functional point of view. In other words, the different ways of information processing and, thus, of decision-making are not our concern.

3Exceptions, when, for example, a collective refuses to adopt more efficient technologies (e.g., the Amish Mennonites in Pennsylvania), come with some strong benefits for group membership (e.g., exclusive mating within the very group) to cover the price of forgoing the personal resources that come with adopting more efficient technologies.

4The managing of actors – rational or not – involves changing lifestyles and behaviors. Without the consent of the recipients, steering lifestyles and behavior is unethical. In democratic societies, our contractors (i.e., the elected governmental bodies and their administrations) act with the support and, thus, the consent of the majority of its citizens.

5The promotion of generally less consumption is, of course, in contrast to other societal goals, such as increasing individual prosperity and securing economic growth, which are also part of the agendas of democratic societies.

6The multitude of activities that comprise a lifestyle – which represents all activities of an individual (including working, eating, and traveling) and not only behavior that instantaneously involves energy consumption, such as illumination or car driving – within a particular sociocultural context (i.e., a society) translate into the power that has to be available at any given moment to sustain the lifestyles in a society and, thus, all the activities of its residents. For example, sustaining the average US-American lifestyle permanently requires 12 kW, a Western-European lifestyle 6 kW, and a Bangladeshi lifestyle only 0.3 kW (Kolbert, 2008). Such power estimates of societies at large in turn can also be converted into amounts of energy consumed by societies (see Figure 1). As a consequence, a behavior in the US, for example, a stroll in a park, requires more energy on average – given the average distance from residences to parks, the type, and the availability of transportation, and the qualities of the roads – than a comparable stroll in Bangladesh.


This research was financially supported by a grant from the Helmholtz Society and the German State of Saxony-Anhalt as part of the Helmholtz Alliance energy-trans. The authors thank Jane Zagorski and Steven Ralston for their language support, and Wolfgang Gaissmaier, Gary Evans, Wesley Schultz, two anonymous reviewers, and the editors, Alexander Grob and Kristen Lavallee, for their comments and suggestions on earlier versions or on parts of earlier versions of this paper.

Siegmar Otto, Otto-von-Guericke University, Institute of Psychology, P.O. Box 4120, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany, +49 391 67-11960, +49 391 67-11963,