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Forced-Choice Versus Likert Responses on an Occupational Big Five Questionnaire

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Abstract. Conventional self-report measures are prone to response biases, which distort measurement in any applied assessment. The forced-choice (FC) format was proposed as a potential remedy for these biases. The purpose of these studies was to develop and evaluate a FC questionnaire for the occupational context based on the five factor model of personality. A single-stimulus Likert questionnaire was contextualized for occupational settings and psychometrically optimized in Study 1 (N = 401). Considering optimal design strategies, we subsequently used this questionnaire to construct and validate a FC questionnaire in Study 2 (N = 517). Methodological add-ons to established approaches were applied to achieve decent confirmatory model fit. The new questionnaire shows good psychometric qualities and strong validity. We make suggestions for further applications and studies.


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