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Everyday Experiences of In-Work Poverty and Policy Responses in the Assemblage of Situations of Precarity in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Abstract: Lived experiences of in-work poverty remain under-researched in countries such as Aotearoa New Zealand NZ. Community-orientated psychologists often argue that people experiencing such complex issues develop considerable expertise that is invaluable in efforts to reimagine effective responses. The core aim of this article is to explore participant experiences of government efforts to alleviate the negative impacts of in-work poverty on socioeconomically marginalized groups, including the emergent Māori precariat class. From the perspective of assemblage theory, this article documents how government efforts to support low-income households become territorialized within a dynamic geography of relations as experienced by 10 precariat households (9 Māori, one Cook Island Māori). The analysis is based on four interviews per household, with a total of 40 interviews across the 10 households. These interviews encompassed photo-elicitation and mapping exercises and document householder experiences of policy initiatives, including annual minimum wage rises, the introduction of healthy homes standards, and related government support initiatives. What emerges from participant accounts is considerable disappointment regarding government efforts to render assistance that do not address dysfunctional and extractive relationships between precariat households and more affluent groups, such as private landlords. Evident from the analysis is how current policies do not adequately address the relational nature of poverty and how many policies combine in the everyday lives of the precariat to cancel out potentially positive impacts on poverty reduction. We offer a series of recommendations for how participant concerns might be addressed.

Impact and Implications:

This article responds to several sustainable development goals: SDG1 (no poverty) through the SDG17 (partnerships) are reflected in our embracing of the importance of engaging with people experiencing in-work poverty and communicating their insights to Government policymakers whose work impacts participant lives. We demonstrate how policies are experienced relationally, and that to be more effective, policy efforts to address in-work poverty must encompass more of a relational focus on the experiences of participants in the system. We make various recommendations regarding how the system can be improved, which also relate directly to a further six goals: SDG2 (zero hunger), SDG3 (good health and well-being), SDG8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG10 (reduced inequalities), SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities), and SDG16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions).
