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Original Article

Prospective Memory, Personality, and Working Memory

A Formal Modeling Approach

*It is journal policy that papers coauthored by an issue’s editor are handled by a guest editor. We thank Edgar Erdfelder, who handled the current manuscript, for his efforts.

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Prospective memory (PM) involves remembering to perform an action in the future. The current study applies a multinomial model to investigate the contribution of individual differences in personality, as well as individual differences in working memory (WM) span, to performance in an event-based PM task. The model includes a parameter P that measures the prospective component, or remembering that something is to be done. The model also includes a parameter M that measures the ability to discriminate between target and non-target events, part of the retrospective component of PM tasks. The model has been applied to investigate the effects of WM variability in just one prior study, but has not been used in previous investigations of personality and PM. WM span and the personality dimension of conscientiousness showed differences between the higher and lower groups in PM performance. Modeling results showed that individuals higher in conscientiousness had higher estimate of M relative to individuals lower on the conscientiousness dimension. Conscientiousness did not affect the P parameter. In contrast, individuals with higher WM span scores had higher estimates of P relative to individuals with lower span scores, but the two WM groups did not differ in terms of parameter M.


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