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On the Impact of the Response Options’ Position on Item Difficulty in Multiple-Choice-Items

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Abstract. The multiple-choice item format is widely used in test construction and Large-Scale Assessment. So far, there has been little research on the impact of the position of the solution among the response options and the few existing results are even inconsistent. Since it would be an easy way to create parallel items for group setting by altering the response options, the influence of the response options’ position on item difficulty should be examined. The Linear Logistic Test Model (Fischer, 1972) was used to analyze the data of 829 students aged 8–20 years, who worked on general knowledge items. It was found that the position of the solution among the response options has an influence on item difficulty. Items are easiest when the solution is in first place and more difficult when the solution is placed in a middle position or at the end of the set of response options.


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