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Social Support From Friends Among Unaccompanied Young Refugees

The Role of Collectivist Values and Related Self-Construals

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Abstract.Background: Social support is an important resource and source of self-esteem and belongingness for all children and youths. Yet, for unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee minors, who leave their home countries without a caretaking adult, extra-familial social, supportive networks in exile may be crucial for their well-being. We propose that their origin in collectivist cultures involves resources for re-establishing social networks in countries of resettlement. Aim: The overall aim of this study is to examine if cultural factors such as values and self-construals are associated with variations in perceived social support from friends among unaccompanied young refugees. We propose a model in which related self-construals mediate the association between collectivist values and perceived friend support. Method: We collected cross-sectional self-report questionnaire data from 611 unaccompanied young refugees (84.5% male; Mage = 18.49 years, SD = 2.57 years) who had been granted residence in Norway. Results: Structural equation analyses revealed that higher levels of collectivist values were associated with stronger related self-construals, which, in turn, were positively associated with stronger perceived support from friends. However, related self-construals only acted as a partial mediator. Limitations: The generalizability of our findings to other groups of immigrant children and youth and/or to unaccompanied refugees in other countries is unknown and should be examined in future studies. Conclusion: Our results contribute new theoretical knowledge about how the development of social supportive relationships in the diaspora is embedded in cross-cultural contexts. Maintaining aspects of one’s heritage culture can promote resilient outcomes among unaccompanied young refugees.


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