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A Nationally Representative Epidemiological and Risk Factor Assessment of Child Mental Health in Vietnam

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As part of the global mental health movement’s focus on identifying and reducing international disparities, this study conducted the first nationally representative child mental health epidemiological survey in Vietnam. We assessed as risk/protective factors several family social structure characteristics (e.g., presence of grandparents, number of siblings in the home) of particular relevance to non-Western countries. Epidemiological data using the Child Behavior Checklist and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire were collected at 60 sites in 10 of Vietnam’s 63 provinces selected to provide a nationally representative sample, which included 1,314 adult informants of children 6 to 16 years of age, and 591 children aged 12 to 16. Vietnamese children’s mental health functioning was reported overall to be better by approximately a third standard deviation than the international average; this international difference was particularly large for externalizing (behavior) problems as compared with internalizing (emotional) problems, suggesting that a cultural problem suppression model may be operating in Vietnam. Significant variability in mental health problems was found across provinces, emphasizing the need for nationally representative samples when conducting child mental health epidemiological surveys. Contrary to many other studies, in Vietnam higher SES was found to be a risk factor for attention/hyperactivity problems.


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