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Multistudy Report

Psychometric Validation of the Dutch Version of the Desire Thinking Questionnaire (DTQ-D)

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Abstract. Desire thinking refers to verbal and imaginal elaboration of a desired target. It predicts escalations in craving intensity and subsequent alcohol use. This article aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Desire Thinking Questionnaire (DTQ-D). In Study 1, a confirmatory factor analysis provided support for the original two-factor solution, achieved with adequate internal consistency. The DTQ-D demonstrated partial invariance over time. In Study 2, convergent validity with measures of craving was demonstrated. Discriminant validity with measures of severity of alcohol use and perseverative thinking was satisfactory. Concurrent validity was established by comparing three distinctive groups of alcohol users with increasing levels of drinking: a normative and an out- and in-patient sample. The normative group scored significantly lower on the DTQ-D than the clinical groups. Within the normative sample a low and higher at-risk drinking group could be distinguished. Overall, the DTQ-D possesses reasonable psychometric properties for use with alcohol-drinking samples. However, additional psychometric evaluation in larger clinical samples as well as in other addictions is warranted.


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