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Mathematikangst von LehrerInnen zeigt Auswirkungen auf die mathematische Leistungsfähigkeit von SchülerInnen. Die vorliegenden Studie schließt an einen Befund über Mathematikangst von Studierenden des Grundschullehramts (n = 421) an der Universität Hamburg an, in dem 36,8 % der Befragten sich als mathematikängstlich einschätzten. Es wird zunächst theoretisch erörtert, inwieweit Mathematikangst zu eingeschränkter Lehrbefähigung führen kann und inwieweit sie mit mentalen Blockaden verbunden ist. Darauf folgend wird ein Verfahren zur Auflösung mentaler Blockaden, die Introvision, vorgestellt. Die Introvision wurde innerhalb der befragten Studierendengruppe als Coaching zur Reduktion von Mathematikangst angeboten. Es werden die Coachingverläufe zweier Versuchspersonen präsentiert, die mehrperspektivisch qualitativ evaluiert wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die TeilnehmerInnen einen veränderten Zugang zur Mathematik entwickeln konnten und dass ihre Fähigkeit zur mentalen Selbstregulation zugenommen hat.

Reduction of Mathematics Anxiety of Teacher Trainees by Introvision

Background: Initial studies have shown an inverse relationship between mathematics anxiety among teachers and mathematics achievement of students. The present article connects to these results, taking into account that the German school system requires all primary school teachers to teach maths even if they are not educated for it and/or suffer from math anxiety. In a survey regarding primary school teacher training (n = 421) at Hamburg University, 36,8 % of the students rated themselves as math anxious. Mathematics anxiety has two effects: On one hand it can cause students to study math less intense which probably leads to an increase of math anxiety. On the other hand it can lead to a math anxious way of teaching.

Following these relations we will first explain theoretically how mathematics anxiety can cause limited teaching competencies and how it is linked to mental blocks.

Limited teaching competencies can be expected because the math anxious students avoid further confrontation with mathematics and acquire only an insufficient amount of process-oriented and metacognitive knowledge. Hence they are less able to create complex mathematic learning environments and to focus on pupils' creative approaches.

Mathematics anxiety can arise by self experienced situations of fear, which causes mental blocs. These mental blocks consist of emotions and cognitions associated with physiological responses as arousal and stress due to the development of inner paradigms which we call “subjective imperatives”. They may be resolved by a process of mental self-regulation, the “Introvision”.

Aims: The effectiveness of introvision has already been tested in different fields. For the first time it is applied here on the phenomenon of mathematics anxiety. The basic hypothesis of this study is that reducing or deleting mental blocks leads to a reduction of mathematics anxiety of teacher trainees.

It is also assumed that the disaggregation of mental blocks induces an increased willingness to deal with complex mathematical questions needed in the field of teaching. Thereby a second effect can be presumed: a positive influence on the attitude towards mathematics.

Methods: This qualitative study is part of a research project about mathematics anxiety and its reduction. An Introvision based coaching was developed and evaluated which consisted of two 6 hour group workshops and 4 individual coachings. Although 15 students had the opportunity to join the study only two students took part completely. The development process of the participants was assessed in a pre-post-design with various survey instruments (questionnaire, interview protocols).

Results: The frameworks of individual subjective imperatives of each participant was analyzed during the study. These subjective imperatives were partially resolved. The participants reported less stress and a reduction in anxiety. Likewise, strategies for conflict avoidance were analyzed and reduced during the coaching process.

Furthermore the perception was improved, as the participants learned a strategy of mental self-regulation. The exchange with other students was described as another factor which reduced math anxiety. Concluding it can also be assumed that increasing maths knowledge led to an altered perception of the subject.

Discussion: The qualitative study of two cases shows that Introvision contributes to the reduction of mathematics anxiety of teachers trainees. These findings will be investigated quantitatively in subsequent projects. It should also be investigated in which way and to what extent the perception of fear is reduced by increasing knowledge of mathematics. A critical analysis of the low number of participants in the study has to be included in all following examinations.
